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Prostitution legalization

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by misterplano9, May 10, 2022.

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  1. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Sorry brother. Hit reply on the wrong one. :) meant that for Neo.
    Dane likes this.
  2. bullbro17

    bullbro17 Account Deleted

    Incs and Dane like this.
  3. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Don't know, haven't fucked one.
    I've seen some have heaters built in to make it more real.
    bullbro17 likes this.
  4. bullbro17

    bullbro17 Account Deleted

    In all seriousness though, it actually might not be such a crazy idea. With technological advancements, these dolls perhaps can be made almost lifelike using artificial intelligence and robotics in near future, like it is shown in the movie "Her" (Very interesting movie, starring Scarlett Johansson and Joaquin Phoenix).
    Dane likes this.
  5. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Ever seen the movie "WestWorld"?

    Robots that do all.
  6. Charles Fourier

    Charles Fourier Proud incest advocate

    For both prostitution and for pot i'm in favor of legalization with a severe public control.

    - More tax money for the state.

    - Better service for customers, with better trained prostitutes and assurance that they have no diseases.

    - Prostitutes would get every social protection other workers have, health checks, no longer risks to be arrest, reduce risks of violence by customers, help to find another if they want to quit the job or become too old to do it.

    - It cuts earnings of criminal groups who exploit prostitution and human trafic (same for drugs).

    So i think that's best solution for everyone.

    In an ideal society i would go even further. Create a public service of sexuality. Free (state paid) access to place where you can have sex and/or concelling about sexuality and relationship...
    Incs likes this.
  7. bullbro17

    bullbro17 Account Deleted

    Yeah, Westworld is fantastic. But you mean the hbo series right? Fantastic concept, violance, nudity, steller cast, none better than Anthony Hopkins of course, what's not to love :)?
  8. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    I believe he means the feature length movie. There were three areas Medieval World, Roman World, and West World. Visitors went there for vacation and role playing, like a VRMMORG. And nobody knows who are humans and who are robots, even among the staff.
    bullbro17 and Dane like this.
  9. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    On the airplane to the resort, the flight attendants were female robots and one of the passengers propositioned one of them but she replied she wasn't"built" for that but he could get one after they landed.
    Neophyte and bullbro17 like this.
  10. bullbro17

    bullbro17 Account Deleted

    Ahh, apologies for my ignorance. The series is actually is adapted from the 1973 movie that you are talking about. Now I HAVE TO watch it. I also highly recommend the series for anyone who hasn't watched it, it's spectacular.
    Neophyte and Dane like this.
  11. kins

    kins Trusted Member

    I support legalizing prostitution. It would vastly cut down on human trafficking and STD's. Generally things that make things safer are good.
    Incs and Charles Fourier like this.
  12. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    If you want the hyper-realistic version, they could come pre-infected with your choice of STD from the factory.

    Incs and bullbro17 like this.
  13. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    It should be legalized and protected, I think. So the workers wouldn't be abused, or forced, but chose to do it
    Incs and Nevermore like this.
  14. Star_of_sea

    Star_of_sea Collector of ephemeral moments.

    Before talking about the legalisation of prostitution, there should be a study on whether women want to be prostitutes. From a male point of view, prostitution is fun and a pleasure, but prostitution is often the only way for a woman to feed her children. Nor should we forget that many of the women are victims of human trafficking because they were promised a job unrelated to prostitution, so it was not their idea to be prostitutes. To arrive, fuck and leave is the dream of many men and legalisation would only be a way to make that wish come true without any problems of any kind, with sanitary control and total security. A real dream. Studies have shown that very few women, a very small number of women, want to be prostitutes. From a female perspective it is not pleasant to have to fuck 5, 10 or 20 people every day. We would have to find out, before legalising prostitution, whether all these women want to continue to offer their bodies for men to use in a selfish way and for their exclusive pleasure. Legalising prostitution would not solve major problems that exist, such as sex at forbidden ages of abducted girls. Many women are prostituted for human trafficking and this situation would continue even with legalisation because these women do not talk to the police for fear of beatings by the men who control this exploitation network. The image of a happy, fun-loving prostitute is an image that needs to be changed, because it is not always the case. Prostitution is only an abuse of a woman in need. Also prostitution still maintains the image of a woman as a thing you can use whenever you want without worrying about her pleasure. To legalise prostitution is to accept prostitution as a job and it is not that simple, we should go much deeper into all the physical and psychological consequences for a woman to receive inside her body the penis of many men in exchange for money. That is the big difference, it is not the same to go inside a person than to have someone inside you. To be waiting for a client, even if prostitution is legal, without knowing who he is, what he likes in sex, what perversions he will demand in exchange for paying with money, what level of violence that person will have, is a feeling that, even with the law in hand, must not be particularly pleasant. Personally I don't think that legalising prostitution makes any sense, because human trafficking networks will specialise in offering forbidden ages or very extreme fetishes, which means more violence against women, and because only a small part of these women want to be prostitutes. Everyone accepts prostitution, except if the one working in prostitution is your daughter. I think that this debate, which is interesting in itself, talks too much about laws and not enough about women, because we should not think about legal prostitution, but about the reason why that woman decides to be a prostitute. The only possible legalisation of prostitution would be to offer a woman the possibility to be a prostitute or to offer her another job and let her decide freely. No other legalisation has any purpose or motive.
    Brutus58, Athenea and Odette like this.
  15. Charles Fourier

    Charles Fourier Proud incest advocate

    We have to help people who are forced to prostitute (also to make porn and such), violently or just because they are extremely poor, i agree that's really important and that in most countries governements do little about it. But we have to also hear people who say they choose to become prostitutes (they exist, some even create worker union to defend their rights, both against patriarchy and agaisnt those so called radical feminists, who claim to speak in their name and deprive them of their word).

    For me, what's important, on prostitution and on everything else related to sexuality is consent and right for people to do what they want with their bodies. It's something totally incoherent to say that you have to believe people when they say they are victims but that, on the other hand, their word no longer has any value, shouldn't be believe and take into account when they say they are consenting.

    Also prostitutes aren't all women, there are men too and non-binary people, although I recognize that there is a majority of women.

    Prostitution is generally quite well paid and would be even better paid if legalize. Some prostitutes said that with 2 or 3 clients by evening, they make a living. And that's they prefer that to more tiring job, to spend 8 hours a day in an office and that it is also a useful job for society even if it is not recognized.

    What history show is that many society tried to cancel prostitution in the past: it never work. In recent case, what's even worse is that studies show that's first victims of this prohibition are prostitutes themselves, those precisely that's partisans of such laws pretend to liberate. Repressive approach do little to help them quit and do nothing against social conditions that sometimes force them to sell themselves (spoiler: culprit is capitalism) but it exposes prostitutes to even more violence, from both clients and cops, they are subject to increase misery and poverty, well these measures have the opposite effect of that officially pursued.

    Prohibition mean less clients. So as some prostitutes said themselves it means that they have to accept one they have, even if they are violents, they want practice that are degrading or the prostitute disagree with. It may be counter-intuitive, but these practices that you denounce it is prohibition that encourages them even more and makes them even more common, making the lives of prostitutes more difficult: discourse of anti-prostitution feminists is therefore totally disconnected from reality, cynical and hypocritical, measures they advocate degrade the conditions of those they claim to defend.

    That's prohibition that forbid them to talk to cops. If prostitution is illegal, prostitutes are criminal in front of law, not victims. If they try to make complaints for violence at the police station, they risk at the same time being prosecuted for having prostituted themselves. The police most often illegally refuse to take complaints and make fun and mock complainants of those cases. In fact, they are themselves often perpetrators of violence, rape even, against prostitutes, guaranteed to have impunity because of the prohibition people won't file a complaint, particularly against them.

    Legalizing will cut money to criminal groups (people nearly always prefer a legal and safe alternative to a criminal one), would reduce risk of violence (there would be guards and people who don't respect what's prostitute agree to would be immediatly prosecute by laws), recognition as work would also entail application of labor law, possibility of having unemployment and retirement insurance, of being better covered by health insurance, all of this will improve those people state of living: unlike what you said, legalization would be better not only for clients but for prostitutes themselves.

    I advocate a state own monopoly legalization: that's the better way to control it and to make sure prostitute are well treated, in a "non profit" work way. I think it should be part of a "public sex health system", in a place that provide sex but also help, tips and advice on sexuality and relationships by professionals and also prevention against diseases by physicians. In that case, people who don't want to be prostitute anymore can move to any other branch of public work freely and easily, they can have training so they can do.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2022
    Incs, MilaHot and Brutus58 like this.
  16. username098

    username098 Account Deleted

    Not many. Only Nederland support it but soon it will hapen in many country
  17. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Germany, Greece, Austria, Switerland, Netherlands, Mexico, Peru, Australia, Hungary, New Zealand, Panama, Uruguay, Ecuador, Venezuela,
    Charles Fourier likes this.
  18. Odette

    Odette No one can convey what they do not feel

    Star, I agree with you that legalizing prostitution doesn't make any sense, because everything would remain the same as before. The mafias that earn many millions of euros with this business would not give up all that money, threatening the prostitutes legalized by that law. Prostitution is just a way of understanding that the woman is only a pussy for the pleasure of the man in exchange for money.

    Simone de Beauvoir says it very well: “In prostitution, all the images of female slavery are defined at the same time”.

    Amelia Tiganus, survivor of prostitution, “prostitution is a space where men reaffirm their masculinity, a concentration camp for women. There can never be legal prostitution, men are sent a message that fucking a woman in all three of her holes is very masculine."

    The feminist Nidia Kreig says that "to affirm that women can choose in the context of patriarchal and capitalist inequality, is to leave them at the mercy of prostitution, it is a much greater degree of helplessness, more brutal because exploitation would not only be legitimized by money. but by law."

    In countries like Germany, Holland and Austria prostitution is legalized, the trafficking of women continues to be a social scourge and also with the impediment of not being able to act, since women are threatened by pimps and do not report these threats to the police and the Police cannot act because prostitution is legal, according to a European Parliament report. In countries like Norway or Sweden where prostitution is abolished, the exploitation of women has been reduced.

    Researcher Beatriz Ranea says "asking women victims of sex trafficking how their lives will improve with a union."

    Sandra Norak was a prostitute in Germany where prostitution is legalized and says that by being legalized, the increase in clients is greater, which forces more people to practice it even against their will and because of human trafficking, because pimps see a business . “I have seen many women mistreated in legal brothels, some practiced prostitution freely, others were mistreated inside the brothel and nobody defended them. On one occasion a man came to me and told me that he didn't know whether to go to the butcher shop or come to the brothel to fuck. In the end he came to the brothel. We are not people, we are just pieces of meat.”

    Ingeborg Kraus head of the Center for Trauma and Prostitution says “when you legalize you reduce women to an object, over which the rules of capitalism rule. The result is that the conditions in which these women work are worse. And men are sent the message that women are there to be bought. They are asymmetric relationships where a man with power tells the woman what to do. The pressure of the pimps on the prostitutes remains exactly the same.”

    Regarding prices in countries where it is legal, many women join this job thinking of great benefits, but prices have fallen, because men increasingly demand more sex and time for less money, since they know that if a woman does not someone else does. UEGD, the association representing 200 brothels in Germany estimates that prices have decreased by 23%.

    Axel Dreher from the University of Heidelberg points out that to think that prostitution could be a normal business is very childish. Tax fraud has not been reduced and neither has illegal prostitution.

    Sandra Norak, a prostitute in Germany with legalized prostitution and regarding prices, indicates that “a client pays €160 to enter a brothel and 80 stays in the brothel, the other 80 is distributed among the girls with whom the client wants to be. If the client wants 4 girls, we charge 20 euros each. On other occasions for €15 you have half an hour of sex and they give the client a free beer and food. Then there are the flat rates, they are illegal, nobody announces them but everyone knows they exist”.

    Sandra Norak also says that “children in Germany now grow up with the idea that prostitution is a job like any other, that going to a brothel and buying a woman is like buying cigarettes. Many women enter prostitution because they think it is a comfortable business and they will earn money. They do not imagine the violence they are going to suffer. The easy thing is to get in, the difficult thing is to get out.
  19. Athenea

    Athenea Some dream of a beautiful world, others create it. Staff Member

    Estrella de Mar, Odette, I am also of the same opinion. It would be a perfect equation if it was only woman and client, but the problem is when mafias intervene and a law will not solve that problem. If a mafia threatens the owner of a brothel, the guards at the door with killing his children, his wife, parents, brothers, the prostitutes will again be alone in the face of those threats. None of these men will take any action to defend a prostitute if she is beaten up by a mafia and if the police show up, the same woman, out of fear, will deny any coercion by a mafia. Legalising prostitution will only be a small problem for the mafia, who have found a way to continue coercing women for their own profit. It is the law of silence, if you don't want problems or your relatives to be killed, don't say anything and give your money to the mafia. Now we also don't know how many women are living in fear, because there are no statistics because the prostitutes themselves don't report these threats. The quicker solution of legalising prostitution and all the problems that will arise from this legalisation is always easier and quicker than not looking for more lasting solutions that involve and aim to allow women to choose their life and destiny. There are two very different views on prostitution, that of the women who suffer from it and that of the men who enjoy it.
  20. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    It seems to work fine in over 20 nations. But then again, you all sound like my 75 year old father. Who thinks there is an Italian Mafioso around every corner because they secretly still run everything. Not other mafias. He thinks the ITALIANS are still in charge of everything. Because he grew up in the Gambino neighborhood in the 50s and 60s.
    Incs, Charles Fourier and MilaHot like this.
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