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If You're An American in a Family Loving Relationship, Heads Up!

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by lurkorn, May 21, 2022.

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  1. lurkorn

    lurkorn Trusted Member

    Would you like to buy a lovely bridge I just happen to have for sale? As soon as a law is passed banning abortion (or saying that abortion is legal in the US), lawsuits will absolutely be filed and the case will wind up in front of SCOTUS. There are, presently six Catholics on SCOTUS, with Sonia Sotomayor, being the only one appointed by a Democrat. Two of the others are Jewish, with Justice Jackson being the only "non-denominational Christian" on the court. The Dobbs decision was 6-3, and the decision to overturn Roe was 5-4 (Roberts voting to uphold Roe). When the legality of birth control comes before the court (as it will, what with Thomas saying that the court should overturn the decision making it legal), what do you think the odds are of the court saying that birth control should remain legal? Even if Roberts joins the the liberal justices in saying that it should be legal, that still leaves 5 justices likely to repeal the legality of birth control. Those aren't good odds for folks who like birth control.

    And if you think that the "Liberal Justices" consistently vote the "party line," I suggest you familiarize yourself with Ruth Bader Ginsburg's voting record. You'll find that for much of her time on the bench, she voted for corporate interests over those of the "Liberal" wing of the Democratic party.
  2. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Birth Control, the current court would pass it, probably unanimously. Abortion, the current court would strike it down along party lines.
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  3. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Up until 2016, SCOTUS party lines were evident strictly by the Democrats.

    Republicans voted sometimes party lines, but mainly mixed across party lines.

    Democrats voted Lock-Step party lines, every time.

    They have always shown why you can predict their vote STRICTLY by the the fact they were Democrat.
  4. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Bet you thought Scalia ruled based on the Constitution too. Including his actually writing the words "My Catholic Values" multiple times. But I am not arguing this further with you. because every response will be nothing more than "Conservative values will save us, Liberals evil".
    Incs likes this.
  5. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    I am pretty sure that, as I pointed out to Neo? The Originalist "hero" Scalia constantly admitted he ruled based on his "Catholic Values" not just "the Constitution".

    And here is the case they will present, will be from a state that passes a total ban. "Any Medical Birth Control violates our law as our law states life begins at conception, not at implantation. So anything that stops implantation violates THAT law.". And I am convinced it will be 5-4. Just don't know which direction. It could easily be Sota, Brown, Roberts, Kagan losing. Because they already ruled that "abortion can be totally banned by a state if they choose".

    We need to recognize that many medicines are used for things other than what you know them for. Viagra was a heart pill, not a boner one. Female Birth Control? Used to stabilize periods and for ACNE TREATMENT. Should they be allowed to ban it because it also "Violates their abortion laws"?

    But again, it comes back to this. Can a state regulate another state? Can a state ban importation of something from another state because they say so? Can a state set unilateral laws for their residents everywhere? I will use an example. There is a town on the MO/TX border (there are many towns like this in the nation). Where one side of main street is MO and the other is TX. TX law states X. MO does not. Can TX prosecute someone who lives on the TX side for stepping over the median into MO, taking a BC pill every morning then stepping back over? Or reverse it. The court really needs to get a case on this to clarify.

    Finally, on a total other note? I would love to see a Federal Lawsuit over the following. Jack Daniels is the ONLY people in that "DRY COUNTY" who can sell or let people drink. One specific company was given an exception, a defacto MONOPOLY.
  6. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    I was in a Catholic household. Very strict Catholic, (I left the church at age 20). Most Catholics I knew then, and all I know now are
    in favor of, and actually use, The Pill, and other birth control methods.

    That bit that only Catholics use Rhythm Method, pretty much was majorly out of he picture by 1965.

    So I don't believe there is going to be any change to the law regarding birth control, OTHER than the RU486 Pill.
    That one may be addressed, as it doesn't prevent implantation, but expels the implantation.
  7. Kiltedfool

    Kiltedfool Trusted.Member

    My theory is without abortion USA will become overrun with unwanted children within 5 years and the country will need to monetize their existence leading to tectonic societal shifts regarding their rights and place in society.
  8. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Thomas all but invited them to create laws and file a case to challege Griswald as "States Rights". The funny thing is this. If they challenge another ruling he mentioned, and they dont rule that another case is also invalid now? They proved to be hypocrites. If they challenge Obergerfeld as "State's Rights"? They better also rule that Loving, the literal precedent used for Obergerfeld, is "States Rights" again. Notice Thomas conspicuously said that "Gay Marriage" should be states rights? But HIS interracial one should be legally protected?

    As to Abortion? The House and Senate should push to pass the following soon. "Ectopic pregnancies, abortion in the case of Incest, Rape or Danger to the Mother are federally protected." watch it get filibustered as "It already is" (is not, there are a few "no exception" laws already). The response should be "If it is never going to banned anyway? What is harm in enshrining in law?".

    Mind you? I would ABSOLUTELY want "danger to the mother" defined. Not at blind "I felt it was". Rape? Was there a rape kit and a police report? Then she is clear to abort in REASONABLE TIME (defined in the law, I would prefer at 50% or more of fetuses born Premie at that week survive with help WITHOUT MAJOR ISSUES). Incest is tricky. But usually those incest would fall under Stat Rape anyway.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2022
    Dane likes this.
  9. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    My take on marriage. Marriage is between a male and female.

    BUT! There should be a FEDERAL LAW of legal Civil Unions.

    NO ONE should be denied the legal ability to wed whomever they love.

    With Federal Law, there is no reason at all that it shouldn't be enacted that abortions are to be available IN EVERY STATE when
    the life of the mother is at risk.
    There is absolutely no reason or excuse that a mother should die just because she is pregnant. No reason at all that 2 lives should be lost
    all because of a black or white ruling involving abortion.
  10. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    I agree. I also feel that the VICTIM of a Rape should be forced to carry either, and I objected to EVERY attempt to make a RAPE VICTIM seem at fault in court and refuse to take rapist cases unless they can prove with time cards. GPS. Etc. That they were elswhere.
  11. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    THe problem with that is, unless the law ALSO STATES that the States have no say in whether they CHOOSE to offer it. It is a FEDERAL contract that supercedes the "will of the States", "State Roghts" or "Home Rule". Otherwise it is nothing more than a Federal Law that is allowed to be superceded by the money from Mega Churches and the Mormon Church. They POURED money into that California ballot initiative. The Mormons have pretty tight control over Utah and some influence in others.

    All "Marriages" should be Civil Unions and you can go get "married" at your local religious place. Why do we need to split it into "Separate But Equal" different terms?
  12. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    That is a perfect solution. But the marriage and lawful civil union could be done at the same time by any authorized with a license. No reason
    the religious should have to do things twice.
  13. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Indiana govenor just signed into law.

    No abortions unless it is response to Rape, Incest, or Life of Mother at Risk.

    To me, that is a sane approach.
  14. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    I went to a wedding in Mexico where they had a public wedding in the cathedral and after that wedding, the bride and groom went behind the curtain and had their civic wedding. After that, we all went to the reception.
  15. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    For decades there were people arguing that being married was just a piece of paper so they chose to just live together. Now there agenda's has changed and they are demanding that everyone has a Right to a marriage.
  16. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Because of benefits offered by companies and the government would not include a non-married "spouse".

    Health benefits in particular. If you were co-habitating, spousal health and life benefits were not available to ones partner.

    The problem arose that a "Civil Union" was un-acceptable, by both sides.

    The gay couples demanded to be "Married", and the religious didn't want any legal "union" between two of the same sex.

    The religious lost because of them wanting to impose their beliefs into law. Had they said "No Marriage, AND (not but) Civil Union
    will get no opposition from us", they would have been able to keep their definition of "Marriage" intact.
  17. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    I think it would have caused less disruption if they fought to have a Civil Union recognized as a valid union rather than forcing others to change their definition of marriage.

    In Mexico a Religious Marriage is not recognized as a valid government contract so therefor a State Marriage is also performed. There you can have the State Marriage and forego the Religious one.
  18. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    I thought that is what I said. The Gays DEMANDED "Marriage" to be used.
    In the end, they won though. But like you said, the fight would not have been so bad or drawn out had they accepted Civil Union
    from the start.
  19. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    As long as the religious clergy has the license? Sure. But being a Priest/Rabbi/Imam (not going to address every religion) should not convey that alone.
  20. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Dont forget the other way. "Or if the religious did not want to push that two people of the same sex not of their religion or of their religion getting married violates THEIR freedom of religion". All the religious had to do was say the one thing that would fall within that. "But we should not be bound to hold the ceremony".

    That is a larger problem with that. You have the right to practice your religion personally. Not make others practice it too. Two men or two women getting married does not violate religious freedoms. People outside your religion doing things outside your religion? Does not violate your religious freedoms. The overarching Christian does not even say it is wrong. We HAVE forced religions to comply to others in the past. Mormons. Like it or not? They DID believe in Polygamy. But that was "illegal" because the government chose to enforce "One man and One woman only". Still does. Tell me who it hurts outside of "tradition" and "THE BELIEFS OF THE CHURCH"?
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