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What does your member name mean?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Curmudgeon, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. Preggykiley

    Preggykiley Trusted Member

    My name is kiley and im usually preggy
    Akbloke likes this.
  2. Odhrán.Ó Máille

    Odhrán.Ó Máille Account Deleted

    Odhrán means Dark-haired; Pale; Little pale green
    Ó Máille means a descendant of a follower of St John
  3. TmwtGoldenTongue

    TmwtGoldenTongue Trusted Member

    My abbreviation for The Man With The Golden Tongue is my clever play on words, with a delightful hint of james bond mixed in
    trahellion and Pat Hotter like this.
  4. trahellion

    trahellion Trusted Member

    It's a name I made up in a kind of accidental way, I thought it was the name of a character in startrek but when I happened upon the episode in a re-run it turned out I'd got it completely wrong lol.
    Pat Hotter likes this.
  5. Vasoh

    Vasoh Trusted Member

    It's short for Vasohop, which is a name that has no real meaning. Came from an anagram but I've forgotten the original word lol
  6. S4ny4

    S4ny4 Trusted Member

    Nothing special, just my nickname, Sanya.
    Akbloke and Pat Hotter like this.
  7. baba_yaga

    baba_yaga Trusted Member

    I think i watched too often John Wick
  8. Sahabatiblis

    Sahabatiblis New Member

    Hello my name is bal from indonesia
  9. BareAmy83

    BareAmy83 Trusted Member

    Well, the Amy in my name is my name.... and the 83 is the year I was born.

    The "bare" means three things:
    1) bare "down there"
    2) bare is my preferred lifestyle: nudism
    3) "baring" my soul when I chat and participate in sexual social media! :)

    Hope this gives you a tad more insight to me...
  10. Xyztrd

    Xyztrd Trusted Member

    It hasnt got any mean
  11. Sweden1993

    Sweden1993 Trusted Member

    I'm from Europe but not from Sweden, so I chose my name randomly
  12. Xav

    Xav Moderator Staff Member

    We have our own @pussycat around here.

    Claws and all!
    Akbloke likes this.
  13. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Excuse me, but why did you copy and paste my original post here? :confused:
  14. miked64

    miked64 Trusted Member

    md64 is my name and brithday year tryed other things kinda new to this was on taboo forum ages ago dont remember user name heard they shut itdown or some such im from the usa
  15. Xav

    Xav Moderator Staff Member

    Man, really? Though I did look at the name and then at the paragraph... something wasn't right but I couldn't figure it. Mum taught me never to judge a book by its cover or in this case, a name by its paragraph...?

    You have over 6000 messages. I guess they thought you wouldn't miss one? (I'm assuming you're serious - but you have too many pages of messages to check it. It would take me all day!)
  16. miked64

    miked64 Trusted Member

    sorry trying to type got nervedamage in right hand froma stroke other not so fun stuff as well did ya say 6000 how can i respodto allthem
  17. miked64

    miked64 Trusted Member

    sorry all had toget new name etc name is now miked54
  18. BotolTobrut

    BotolTobrut Trusted Member

    My username its mean i love to milf
  19. awkwardcouple

    awkwardcouple New Member

    Were a couple, and were kinda awkward
    Pat Hotter likes this.
  20. Pat Hotter

    Pat Hotter Pat's Backdoor's Staff Member

    To the point:):):)