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Charles Manson is Dead

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Insp Gadget, Nov 20, 2017.

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  1. thisoneexplodes

    thisoneexplodes Trusted Member

    Et tu, Brut-us? These "heralds of justice", these warriors-social, suffer autonomous martyrdom at the sight of small arms (heavy arms ineffective as they fat-shame..or something). When faced with armed opposition, they fling their bodies *directly* into fire -with no retort! save the mess of hair covered, over/underweight corpses, they likely won't/wouldn't police***.

    Nay, these technicolored avengers, armed to the..gills (teeth=ableist) with sharply sharpened "facts", "actualities" and "realities". Sharp indeed.

    Keenly wielded these "ribbon cutters", these "assassin's of... something" become the sharpest of all having developed no need for the chaff and dead weight of the trivial - i.e. context, relevance, accuracy.

    Projected through, pen, paint, text (passive and* aggressive), through megaphones synchronized and rogue, their voices permeate our ears like our leaf blower/jackhammer alarms. Man-made noise boxes, the lot of 'em!

    This is their battlefield: our sense calm; and this their warfare! Sonic. Persistence. An aural assault, if I may (thank you).

    The machine and the appliance both harking from six blocks away and scoffing at notions "acoustic" or "mass/density's". Their low and (at the same time) high pitched hums and hammers defy all efforts to ignore, to resolve, to criticize.

    Oh, impotent one with candor of child.
    Oh immutable nag with tact and tactic unknown.

    What would you have us do? How will we fight this war that, apparently, is imperative others fight for you? Where should we start? Who should we change? When will we know the job is done?

    Sincerely (not in the least),

    An other warrior


    [All of this is obviously satire. A joke. A gag. Written on top of itself barely clinging to saliency. Calm your hormonal tits, Jamie/Chris/Pat/Zuu/You]

    Except here. This actually important. I hadn't had this thought before,

    "Would the sjw leave a man/woman/, person behind? Why?"

    An average civilian would hardly think to recover a lifeless comrade, why would the self proclaimed (and untrained) "warrior" be so different? What does this mean?]

    Thank you for your time
    Brutus58 likes this.
  2. thisoneexplodes

    thisoneexplodes Trusted Member

    My point, accurately reworded.

    Globally, what causal accomplishments do they (antifa) declare/claim?
  3. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    If you are asking if I believe a SJW would leave people behind then my answer is yes, in a heartbeat. The SJW believe in the Society as a whole and individuals are unimportant and expendable. They would leave anyone behind that they felt no-longer served their purpose or endangered their social order.
  4. thisoneexplodes

    thisoneexplodes Trusted Member

    "Do as I demand, not as I say."?

    "Don't pick a part my words, just do what I say."?

    Who are they thinking will understand them/their cause? In 5 years? 10?

    What are thinking is being understood by general populace? If "nothing, no one cares" then yeah. Correct. No one knows what you actually aspire towards, and frankly, neither do you.

    Hmm. Don't hear a whole lot of corpse/XXXXXXXX voices. Just about every one but those goddamn missed abortions.

    [To all: I joke. A lot. But I don't do victimizing. Don't believe me, shoot me your ip and a reason. Cheers!]
    Sorry, any reference to ages under 18 is not allowed, even if only implied. Neo
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2017
  5. Brutus58

    Brutus58 Trusted.Member

    Quite interesting, to say the least. I this a quote or original thought? Mean no disrespect, just wondering. Perhaps a new thread with philosophy should be started. I have to admit I like the posting.

    What does "sjw" stand for? I'm getting dense in my old age.
  6. thisoneexplodes

    thisoneexplodes Trusted Member


    k||)= baby goat

    Context, folks, context.
  7. thisoneexplodes

    thisoneexplodes Trusted Member

    All me brother.

    Yeah, philosophy. My shield. My spear.

    Sjw= Social Justice Warrior = Requisite identity/label for membership into Antifa.

    Re: Philosophy thread - "Build it and they will come."
  8. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    As thisoneexplodes said, SJW stands for Social Justice Warrior. There are Antifa members who are SJW and SJW's who are Antifa, but they are two separate groups. Antifa is mostly a group bent on destroying the social order that exists and SJW is a group that wants to create a social order in their own image. SJW is more closely associated with the PC crowd (Politically Correct).
  9. Brutus58

    Brutus58 Trusted.Member

    Thank you. What ever happened to good old "flower power", "peace", "far out man", and "where's the beef?". Like the old AT&T commercials - "reach out and touch someone", just don't get caught. Anthony Weiner learned that one the "hard" way!
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2017
  10. thisoneexplodes

    thisoneexplodes Trusted Member

    Anthony Weiner?
  11. Brutus58

    Brutus58 Trusted.Member

    Correct, I should have used the full name. I will correct/edit now. Thank you for spotting that. And the misspelling.
  12. thisoneexplodes

    thisoneexplodes Trusted Member

    Idgaf what he calls himself. It's the "getting caught" part.

    To the Weiner's of the world, specifically in my part of it: Please, please slip. Get cocky, get sloppy. Or don't. Ever. Never leave your home. Never socialize. Allow fear/paranoia to consume you wholly. Because, goddamn as fun as it'd be for both of us, forcing my fist down and through you only to start your insides like a lawnmower isn't what I-

    -actually, no. That's sounds fucking glorious.

    My birthday's coming up, so please, for me? It's all I really want this year. No toys. No party. Just that. Up there^^

    Thank you for your time,

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