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Drink of choice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by John147447&64;)$), Dec 30, 2020.

  1. Megan44

    Megan44 Account Deleted

    Iced tea
    denan68 likes this.
  2. CCboy63!!!

    CCboy63!!! Account Deleted

    Diet coke, coffee..half and half iced tea (Arnold Palmer)
  3. Odette

    Odette No one can convey what they do not feel

    Sangria is a great drink, very refreshing when it's hot in summer. I drank it for the first time a couple of years ago, a homemade recipe, by the sea and with a special company and since then I love it, for the drink and for the memories. For me it is like a magic word, which makes me remember new acts and sensations. :)
    Athenea likes this.
  4. Gregpicton883

    Gregpicton883 Trusted Member

    G & T with pink gin
  5. howl

    howl Trusted Member

  6. Athenea

    Athenea Some dream of a beautiful world, others create it. Staff Member

    Odette likes this.
  7. Chris24

    Chris24 Account Deleted

    Coffee, seltzer, beer
  8. Intrigued

    Intrigued Trusted Member

    Soda water...love carbonated drinks! Made my own sodastream at home using a bigger canister & an Amazon kit.
  9. Pineapplespunk

    Pineapplespunk Trusted Member

  10. McDidoBirb

    McDidoBirb Trusted Member

    Coffee. I can barely function without it.

    Or at the very least tea, I need caffeine.
  11. george papadak

    george papadak Trusted Member

    Athenea likes this.
  12. Odette

    Odette No one can convey what they do not feel

  13. gilgamesch55

    gilgamesch55 Trusted Member

    Single Malt from Scotland like Lagavulin
  14. chamber92

    chamber92 Trusted Member

    Either White Russian or a sweet whiskey with Apple juice
  15. Zipperhead

    Zipperhead Trusted Member

    Love Negronis and Old Fashioneds (is that a word?) made with rye whiskey.
    The Old Fashioned is probably the first popular cocktail, introduced in the late 1700’s
  16. jmansmooth

    jmansmooth Trusted Member

    Fave soda is diet mountain dew and non soda is apple juice
  17. Anonuser2330

    Anonuser2330 Trusted Member

    Non: whatever pop I'm craving. Alcoholic: Those hard cidars. Can't stand beer. Ugh
  18. JtB7

    JtB7 Trusted Member

    pussycat likes this.
  19. Vasoh

    Vasoh Trusted Member

    Jameson and coffee
  20. Nervos

    Nervos Trusted.Member

    Pineapple juice, :p
    Xav likes this.