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Can Trump cultists be deprogrammed? My response.

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by White Rabbit, May 4, 2023.

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  1. White Rabbit

    White Rabbit Oh dear! I shall be late!

    I would never advocate for anyone to be "re-trained" or to go through "thought re-programming" to anyone. As a Trump cultists, I welcome and except anyone who has an opinion that may differ from mine. Meaningful debate could or could not lead to a common ground. I would never tell anyone, to stop posting propaganda. Your freedom of expression and speech is a highly valuable tool and should never be silenced. Lian and I may have a lot of topics we disagree on. I ask wholeheartedly that their topics be unlocked because I see no harm in being called a cultist. That is their opinion and they have a right to it and I will defend that.

    Thank You,

    A Trump Cultist.
    Lian likes this.
  2. White Rabbit

    White Rabbit Oh dear! I shall be late!

    "Can Trump Cultist Followers Be Deprogrammed? My Response." Is what the title should have been. If a Mod or Admin can fix the title, that would be awesome and I will love you forever.
  3. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    There is a difference between people who support him and the "Cultists". The "Cultists"? To me? Are the ones who think the election was stolen and the only reason there is no proof is that there is a massive conspiracy hiding proof. Because they dont understand that you can't go into court, say "I have a theory, but need total access to all files from the other side to prove it happened. No I have nothing to show it will be there outside of I know it HAS TO BE.". The sheer amount of people I have heard justify why it "must be" that boils down to a map and "look at all that Red", when told "that is because that pocket on the right, top left, and middle top consist of most of the population, not the center"? You ineviably get from the followers "Well OK. That makes sense I guess.". The "Cultists"? "Well the CITIES SHOULD NOT RULE US!". That is the real difference. The Cultists always have another reason it was stolen. Another reason the Proof is being hidden via conspriacy on whatever they cant prove. My favorite though is that Fox never admitted that they lied. The Emails and Texts were fake and never happened. Even the 787m is fake. Why? Because ALL settlements and lawsuits are totally confidential (not at all, unless filed so).
    whitecoffee1 and Lian like this.
  4. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Well said
  5. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    I dont hate Trump followers. Some are nice. I hate the Cultists, those who refuse to see the truth when its shown to them. They say "no political arrest" yet scream to arrest Biden or others. They dont even see the hypocrisy of it all

    There IS fanatism among Trump's fanbase. Like the people that assaulted the Capitol on FALSE CLAIMS by Trump. And those calling for the release of these criminals.
    Last edited: May 4, 2023
  6. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Also, I respect White Rabbit.
    Its the fanatics I dont like, and the biased people trying to shut me down just because I do not agree with them.
    White Rabbit likes this.
  7. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    I think the title should be "Are Trump followers Cultist". Maybe to be more fair "Which Political Party has the most Cultist".
    Lian and White Rabbit like this.
  8. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Vote count discrepancies were found in many jurisdictions, but the lawsuits were dismissed because the courts ruled that the differences in the vote count would not have changed the outcome of the election. But the courts did not take into account all the jurisdictions where the the vote count was not tested. I remember in the 2016 election where Jill Stein called for recounts in at least 5 key states to prove Trump should have lost the election. In the fist two states they recounted, Trump gained several thousands of votes. At which point they halted the recount. It would be of note that Jill Stein didn't want a recount, but was pressured by the DNC, and was donated millions of dollars through the Clinton Foundation, an amount greater than Stein's total campaign fund during her run for President. Stein was allowed to keep the unused money that was donated to her for paying for the recount. So in my eye's the Left are the cultist because the Left will go out of their way to find anything wrong with the Right, no matter how tenuous the claim, and the Left will absolutely refuse to admit anything perpetrated by the Left no matter how obvious.
  9. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    "The Left did it" again.
    Yet, you have theories, but no proof.
  10. Walnutty

    Walnutty Account Deleted

    No. Like attracts like. Unfortunately, the worker bees of the human colony do not have comprehension of their actions beyond the basic necessity of being a worker bee in the human colony.

    Humans remind me of the following picture. We're more advanced but still dealing with these primitive hierarchy behaviors on occasion from non-born leaders trying to lead the collective and it always fails because they lack the competence in leading an advanced society.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2023
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