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2nd Amendment- Archaic or Based In Timeless Rights?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Dane, Feb 4, 2023.

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  1. Daddy's Home

    Daddy's Home Trusted.Member

    OMG! Of course firearms are different!

    I'll give you some time to think that through.
  2. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    You have not fully understood @Neophyte 's posts about the legal gun owner and the criminals.

    Here is the MAJOR misrepresentation that ALL of the MSM fails to report.

    There are a far greater number of peoples lives SAVED because a homeowner, or store owner, or even someone walking to their car has SAVED THEIR OWN, AS WELL AS OTHERS (FAMILY) LIVES BECAUSE THE INTENEDED VICTIM PRODUCED A FIREARM and either stopped the assailant by force or by the assailant backing down and leaving.

    Many, many, more events of lives saved than the MSM own, falsified numbers of "mass shootings".

    You have never taken into account the sheer high number of events in which a firearm SAVED innocent lives from a criminal.
    Really, do a dive into the real stats instead of just being a repeater of the MSM's assault on the 2nd.

    This is not an attack on you personally. You are falling right into the Democrats "anti-gun" trap that these crimes are the gun's fault.
    UpNorthChris likes this.
  3. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    That is a lie. Guns dont save lives, they take lives. But gun fanatics omit that, always.
  4. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    You are right, but Dane's point has validity. He isn't saying guns don't take lives. He's saying guns take more bad guys lives than good guys lives.
    Which I don't for one minute believe.
    Lian likes this.
  5. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    I forget which gun one it was on. IMS? Of all mass shooter situations? As we define them (5+)? There were 1 or 2 out of almost 500 that were "stopped by a good guy, non LEO, with a gun". And the vast majority? The gunman turns the gun on himself before the good guy or cop "strategizes" and gets anywhere near them.

    Now in home invasions and store robberies? The other side drawing "Escalate-evens" it quickly. But the stats of the "Good Guy with a gun shooting the Bad Guy" is a movie myth. As I have said before. LEO friends have said this "If you are a good guy with a gun with ONE CLEAN SHOT? Do it. Get into a shootout? We are not coming in yelling 'time out! Who is the good guy with the gun?!'.".
  6. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    In my country, the ones who really shouldn't be allowed to have guns are the cops. :(
  7. Daddy's Home

    Daddy's Home Trusted.Member

    Thank you Dane,

    You may find this surprising, but I totally disagree with you.

    "There are a far greater number of peoples lives SAVED because a homeowner, or store owner, or even someone walking to their car has SAVED THEIR OWN, AS WELL AS OTHERS (FAMILY) LIVES BECAUSE THE Intended VICTIM PRODUCED A FIREARM and either stopped the assailant by force or by the assailant backing down and leaving."

    Where are you coming up with your information?
  8. UpNorthChris

    UpNorthChris Trusted Member

    I have thought it through; though it's clear you have not. It's okay. Let's go through this together. You'll argue they're different because they are purposefully designed to kill. They are in fact designed to kill, and to do so as efficiently as possible. But now you have to ask yourself (honestly and without emotion) - why is that a bad thing, if that is your intent? Are there times when that action is reasonable and appropriate? Sure, like when you're harvesting animal protein; or when you're trying to immediately stop a very bad person from doing very bad things to you. Under either of those conditions, you want the tool that allows you to complete that task most efficiently (allowing us to complete necessary tasks more efficiently is the reason we have technological advancements). The need to harvest animals for food and to protect oneself from predators (including other humans) has existed for as long as there have been humans. Over time, we've developed tools to make those tasks easier. Will you explain why that's bad?
  9. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    No, killing is NEVER the answer.
    If a guy wants to steal money, too bad, but you dont die. Killing him isnt "saving yourself", its killing.

    Why is it bad to kill? You SERIOUSLY ask that?
  10. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    No amount of acquired learning will help if you don't have the intelligence and reasoning power to use it. Oh Queen of Emotions.
    UpNorthChris likes this.
  11. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    How about these numbers. Using the inflated numbers used by the Anti-gun activists 15 people out of every 100,000 are killed by a gun in the U.S. last year. Using medical statistics 29 people out of every 100,000 die from government assisted suicide in Canada last year. I'd say the Canadian government is much more deadly than a gun.
    UpNorthChris likes this.
  12. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    You've been proving that for years boy. :D

    Queen of Emotions. Hmm, I like that. :)
    Lian likes this.
  13. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Prove it.
    Lian likes this.
  14. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    No. Why should I put effort into proving something you will refuse to believe. And the numbers are easily available on the web for you to lookup yourself. Maybe if you look the information up yourself, there might be the slightest of chance that you will believe, but I doubt it. Those in an ideological cult rarely believe otherwise.
    UpNorthChris likes this.
  15. UpNorthChris

    UpNorthChris Trusted Member

    Yes, I seriously asked that, and you didn't answer. What you said was that killing is never the answer, and limited your evidence to a hypothetical robbery where the victim's material goods were the perpetrators' only goal. In that limited instance, you may be right; but that's not what you said. What you said is never. Let's test that theory. Do you eat meat? It's possible that you choose not to; but even in that situation: your eyes are in the front; you have pointed or sharp teeth designed for slicing or tearing (canines and incisors); and proteases and lipases (the enzymes responsible for digesting protein and fat). Translation: your body was designed to, and doing so is completely normal. How have we gained our position on the food chain? Is it because we're bigger, faster, or stronger? Hardly. Trust me, I live in coastal Florida. We've got sharks in the saltwater, gators and moccasins in the freshwater, and wild pigs and bobcats on the land. In "hand to hand" it wouldn't even be close! It's because our more developed cerebral cortex and our opposable thumbs allowed us to develop and use tools. So now you'll want to argue: "those are animals, humans are different". Yet you've taken a pro-abortion stance in numerous other threads. So try being honest for once and just admit you don't have a problem with killing, you just believe you deserve to be the arbitrator of who gets to do the killing and under what circumstances. Killing the hypothetical baby in the abortions you so vehemently support only threatens the material possessions of the parents, not their health or safety (just like the hypothetical thief in your robbery example who only wanted money). You'll say sometimes the health and safety of the mother is at risk, justifying the killing. Why then doesn't this apply when the health and safety of the robbery victim is jeopardized? Killing is a natural occurrence within the animal kingdom. Among the predatory animals (and again, look at your eyes, teeth, and enzymes) this divides into predators and prey. Tools are the only thing keeping those otherwise most vulnerable out of the prey category. To date, when killing is justified, firearms have proven to be the best tool for the task.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2023
  16. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Please goto theync.com and search "robberies". (I cannot link them as they are not suitable for this Forum)
    You will find many ccv videos that show a criminal robbing the store and then after getting the money out of the till, shoot the clerk dead just to be sure "no witnesses" or even just because they can.

    Even videos where he criminal just shot the clerk dead so they wouldn't get in the way of them getting the money.

    It is never "bad" to kill someone who is threatening your life by pointing a gun a you.

    And don't give me that bullshit that if you just give them what they want, they will almost always just take it and go.
    Not only has that been proven false, but even if it was true, you want to take the chance you are "the one" that doesn't get the robber who just "goes away"??

    WARNING!- The videos that are accessable at that site are for mentally stable mature individuals who understand what they are about to see can have a lasting effect. They are not for the faint of heart.

    Another thought here, if you search ISIS or Islam or IS, you will see just how many people are truly evil. (which I think by your replies you still believe, in general, people are "good".)

    Type in Brazil, again, you will see that in some countries, the % of people who would kill you just for your phone is way higher than you want to believe.
    UpNorthChris likes this.
  17. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    You're not obliged to prove anything. You have the right to post any bullshit you want.
    If you don't choose to provide proof, or simply cannot provide proof, we have the right to consider you for what you are.
    A purveyor of bullshit.

    It would be nice if we could have an intelligent discussion on this (or any other) subject, without the "I'm right and all of you are wrong" arrogance. Give it a try.
  18. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    Well regulated. That, to me, infers a degree of control, and the only possible control of such an entity would come from the Government, be it State or Federal.

    To keep and bear arms. Nowhere did they say the right to keep and bear any arms they felt like. The inference would be "to keep and bear those arms that an individual would normally reasonably possess."

    Either way, the document does not give anyone carte blanche to act like an ass hole just because they think the rules don't apply to them.
  19. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    the thieves kill because of the gun culture mostly. They are afraid to be shot in hte back when they run away with the money
  20. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    I find that you and others are denier of Truth. Its wasted effort to prove anything, because you will deny the truth anyway.
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