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Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by slisse, Jul 3, 2020.

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  1. slisse

    slisse Moderator Staff Member

    Being #1 is sometimes very great.

    But, that's not always true! Just see for yourself:

    Brutus58, londonboy49 and curiousFred like this.
  2. curiousFred

    curiousFred Trusted.Member

    It makes me wonder why the beautiful world we all live in, can be a place of utter horror for so many. Sigh.
    londonboy49 and slisse like this.
  3. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Slisse, not sure why you're trying to paint us in the worlds worst picture, but..

    The Highest Teen Pregnancy Rates Are Found in Africa


    Looking at the crude divorce rate shows that Russia has the highest rate of divorce. According to United Nations data from 2011, Russia’s divorce rate is 4.8 divorces per every 1,000 residents. Belarus trails only slightly behind with 4.1 divorces per every 1,000 residents.

    When it comes to the nation with the third highest divorce rate, there are two countries that are tied, each of which falls significantly behind Russia and Belarus. Gibraltar and the United States each have a divorce rate of 3.2 divorces per every 1,000 residents.



    1: China is the largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world, according to the most recent data from the Global Carbon Project. China emits about 10,357 million metric tons per year.


    The top 10 countries with highest rape crimes in the world (updated 2020).
    1. South Africa
    ( USA is #3)

    Countries with the Highest Crime Rates
    The countries with the ten highest crime rates in the world are:

      • Venezuela (84.49)
      • Papua New Guinea (81.93)
      • South Africa (77.49)
      • Afghanistan (76.23)
      • Honduras (76.11)
      • Trinidad and Tobago (73.19)
      • Brazil (68.88)
      • Peru (68.15)
      • El Salvador (67.96)
      • Guyana (67.66)
    Insp Gadget and Brutus58 like this.
  4. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    I'm glad I live here in the USA. Did you post that out of some kind of jealousy or just trying to
    bash the USA with fake news?
    Makes me wonder just how well you would fit into being a California Liberal Democrat.
    Insp Gadget likes this.
  5. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    I can't speak for Slisse, butI'd fit in quite well, thank you. :)
  6. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Sorry Pussycat, I disagree.

    You are way too smart and sane with a good logical mind.

    Slisse is too. (Again, not sure though why he posted that in that way)

    Liberal democrats don't know how to think, they only know how to feel and all decisions are based on those
    feelings, without involving any logical sense at all.

    They self-loathe and think everyone else should too. They hate their own country. Always threatening
    to leave but when called out, they do what is their nature, wimp out with a cowardice excuse.

    Your posts don't try to twist, they do express how you feel though.
    Big difference.
    Insp Gadget and Brutus58 like this.
  7. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Dane, you just contradicted yourself. I am a Liberal Democrat. :)
  8. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Slisse, I moved the thread here. It was inevitable the discussion would lean this way.
    slisse likes this.
  9. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    You are a rare case indeed.
    There are many, many good democrats, who are in their party affiliation only because they were raised to be democrat.
    (Catholics, African Americans, Hispanics)
    Concerning the Catholics, even their supreme leader, the pope, stated that those members of the RCC are guilty of
    supporting abortion if they elect officials who are pro-choice.
    Didn't sway them one bit. They are dyed-in-the-wool democrats, many since the era of former president JFK (John Kennedy). who was a Catholic.
    Up til then, one had to be a WASP to get elected president.

    But bad politicians who enact bad laws are put into office by good people who vote only party lines.
    Both Democrat and Republican.
  10. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Just FYI, I have been in e-mail discussion with the Hamilton County, Ohio Auditor who is a Democrat and
    has always been open about his pro-life position.
    He is a great elected official who always does what is righteous.
    He did a tweet re-affirming his pro-life position (as he always has for years) and the County
    Democratic Commission are calling for his removal from the party and wants him to resign his position
    as Auditor.

    I voted for him when I was in that county, and I have just asked him to apply in an adjacent county which
    I currently live which is 85% Republican.
    He is known as a good, and truthful man, even in this Republican county.
    I told him there are a majority of voters in this county who would welcome him into our politics.
  11. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    I'm going to assume Hamilton County includes Cincinnati, in which case I can see why they'd want to kick his ass out.
    I know I would.
    But if you're happy with him, then you should recruit him. Birds of a feather and all that.......
    Dane likes this.
  12. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Yes, it is where Cincinnati is. ( thanks for spelling Cincinnati correctly, few do)

    It's not so much Hamilton county as a whole, but Cincinnati politicians are the worse.
    We even have a radio (and streaming) of a show called "That's So Cincinnati" because of how
    screwed up the city council, mayor and manager are.

    It is very popular with those who reside in the tri-county area and Northern Kentucky.
    Everyone who has ever commented on it always leads with " I'm so glad I don't live in Cincinnati".

    Music Hall, one of the top 3 acoustically perfect buildings in the world, had a redo by the city a few years
    ago. It used to be a very safe place to go. All parking was off street, there was a walkway over the street for
    the back parking lot.
    The city council decided that it wasn't aesthetically appealing so they tore it down. There now has to be hired
    policemen to help with the patrons to cross the street because the first week it was open, 4 people were
    hit by cars.
    The removal of the walkway also closed one of the main entrances which went directly to the 2nd floor
    balcony tier. Now you have to wait outside to get in as the lines can be long and the foyer cannot accommodate
    everyone. Real great if it's raining.

    Even before COVID, the Cincinnati Orchestra had to hold fundraisers, try to get a tax levy, etc because
    attendance was hitting all time lows after the first season.

    We have one of the greatest music venues in the USA and Cincinnati City Council had to go a make
    it a pain to attend.

    That's SO Cincinnati!
  13. techie76

    techie76 conservatism isn't compatible with a free society

    Conservatism is a mental disease.
  14. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    I'd simply like to make the point, that this member considers the USA-bashing which some of my Canuck cohorts relish,
    to be consistently ill-informed, and reeking with hypocrisy.

  15. techie76

    techie76 conservatism isn't compatible with a free society

    I'd like to add that bashing any country may be ill-advised since the people who live in said country are generally never the trouble makers. It's always a problem of government that adds to the misery of people's lives - not the ordinary people who live with said government. The U.S. has it's share of fucked up assholes - I know - I live here & avoiding them can be problematic, especially these days - but the average American just wants their kids to be safe & have it better than they did. They want the buses to run on time, the potholes to be filled, the trash to be picked up, their water clean, their food from trustworthy sources & the their government to function properly by the consent of the governed. That's it. Pretty much same as anywhere else.

    But make no mistake, I can see why others go U.S. bashing. Both Bushes, The Clintons, Obama & Trump have all worked very, very, VERY hard to give the U.S. a black-eye so that others may justifiably criticize the U.S.

    Our government wants very badly to continue to push the U.S. into 3rd world status & even to invite war & general marshal law.

    They don't care because they're well beyond wealthy & can move anywhere they please to other countries that are doing far better if such negative nonsense were to ever happen.

    I hate to say it, but over time, I've become a pessimist & skeptic. Sure, my optimism is buried in there if the layers are peeled away, but those layers didn't put themselves there. The disillusionment came from without - not from within.

    I'd gladly trade my pessimism for anything more positive.

    With that said - this is an incest forum, and I have ideas about incest that go beyond sensual hedonism.

    I truly believe that a better world starts with the smallest unit of society - the family. And until the false incest taboo is lifted & families can raise their own in consanguinamorous sexualized hedonistic lifestyles, then society will remain filled with problems, backward, uncivilized, unenlightened & doomed.

    The bonobo chimpanzees have the answer to forward progress.

    Incest is truly best. Everyone should have the option to pursue open incest without fear of reprisal.

    Until that happens, the world remain fucked up & government bashing of any country justified.
    Brutus58 and Insp Gadget like this.
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