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For the Hillary lovers

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by goldie34, Sep 1, 2015.

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  1. Antares

    Antares The Famous LTD Doggie

    I have to disagree with the state of the US economy getting better during the time of Franklin Roosevelt. Conditions in the US were bad and not pulling themselves out of the Great Depression of the 1930s because anything done by Roosevelt. Just the contrary things were stagnant if not getting worse. The only thing that revived the US economy was the advent of ww2. Had it not been for that, the US was headed downward into depression again mainly because of policies of Roosevelt. Ww2 is the great corrector of the economy not Roosevelt.

    Secondly, many other countries are spending far less on their military because they have in effect shift their military costs onto the US who is the backbone of military stability for Europe because of NATO. The US is carrying the major burden there. Had the US not maintained its presence in Europe after ww2 the Russians could have rolled over Europe in short order as they did in those countries behind the line of military separation at the end of the war. This is not to say that Europe is not aiding in military support, they are, but that the US is shouldering the majority of the expense.

    Third, corporations never pay taxes in the sense that an individual does. Those costs are simply passed through to the consumer of their product or services. The individual customer/stockholder, in the final run, is the one paying the cost of any businesses taxes. Business are lucky enough to be able to move to other countries where they are taxed at a lower rate which in turned is passed along to the consumer in the form of lower prices and to the stockholder in the form of stock dividends. The individual is not so lucky. Unless I divorce myself totally from either the US or Ireland I am stuck paying taxes in both countries because I own property and live in both places. Businesses are able to avoid that. So they move where their tax burden is cheaper.
    i hrt strs likes this.
  2. Jocelyn

    Jocelyn Account Deleted


    The top ten countries to live in due to their quality of life (i.e. health care, government, education system, income, overall happiness, etc.). The list is as follows: Switzerland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Canada, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden, New Zealand, and Australia. That is 6 out of the 8 socialist countries I had listed in my above post. Coincidence? I think not...

    As for knowing my history, thank you, but I'm majoring in history so I'm not exactly in need of a history lesson. The only reason why the income tax was dropped ten years later however, was because during Reconstruction the southerners land was being taxed astronomically high and the Republicans were able to make up for the income tax by taking advantage of the south in general.
    Harriett likes this.
  3. Jocelyn

    Jocelyn Account Deleted

    The Great Depression occurred during the 1930's.
  4. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    Who was the front runner of the debate last night? Thoughts?

    Once again Trump did not show me any details or substance. I think it came down to Jeb,or Carla winning last night. If trump is going to maintain in the polls he is going to have to give details of his plans instead of just saying how great it is going to be. Just my opinion. :)
  5. Antares

    Antares The Famous LTD Doggie

    These aren't debates. Nobody discusses policy. Its just a gotcha shouting match. The winner is the one who has the best one-liner for the most part.
    Jocelyn likes this.
  6. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    That's for sure.
  7. Harriett

    Harriett New Member

    Goldie, is this opinion based upon your actually having lived there ?

    I reside in Canada, and I can assure you that our health services are excellent.

    Jocelyn likes this.
  8. Dracoa

    Dracoa Trusted.Member

    With Citizens United, wouldn't that mean that corporations are effectively breaking the law? Since, you know, corporations are "people" also.
  9. Antares

    Antares The Famous LTD Doggie

    They are simply listing their primary residence as country X which is no difference than any other person. I'll let you know further after I graduate from Law School...(packing my bags now):D
  10. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    I agree that the BBC is very fair and mostly unbiased in their reporting. I disagree that CNN is the same. CNN is very bias and their reporting usually favors the liberal democrats.

    I am reminded of a short story I read, where they were holding a competition to choose a new leader. The leader chose several event and made sure that everyone involved was given the same opportunities. The previous leader won all the events, but the judges did not award him the position of leader. They stated that the competition wasn't fair, they said if an eagle picked the competition he would chose flying, if a fish picked he would chose swimming, if a cheetah picked he would chose running. It wasn't the answers that were biased in the blog, it was the questions. With biased questions no matter the answer it would be slanted to the left.

    This is one point out of many, responding to them all would make for a long read.
  11. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    In my reply, I did not say whether or not Canada or the United Kingdom was a better place to live. I only asked our members that lived there, what they thought. Please do not put words in my mouth that I did not put there myself, I am quite capable of eating shoe leather all on my own. :rolleyes:
    goldie34 likes this.
  12. Jocelyn

    Jocelyn Account Deleted

    You asked me in your post (#76) "Have you ever lived in Canada or the UK." Followed by, "I would like to hear from someone here who has." Or something close to that effect. However, I do know that the first bit I quoted verbatim, including the lack of a question mark. So I was responding to what I assumed was a question. So yes, to that last bit. :)
  13. whenindoubtwhipitout

    whenindoubtwhipitout Trusted.Member

    Not being Canadian my only exposure to their system are friends (snowbirds) of my mother in Florida. They are in their 70's-80's and are denied some treatment as not cost effective. Meaning they, the government project they would die sooner and the government considers it a non return on investment deal. That is probably where the death panel debate came along with the "Obamacare" program. Seems they refuse to call it the Affordable Health Care act now since it cost so much and we were lied to as a people about keeping your doctor and current insurance.
  14. Antares

    Antares The Famous LTD Doggie

    The only people who got to keep theirs were: Permanent Full Time Federal Government Employees, the Military, and UFOs (Union Friends of Obama). Now you get to try again with Hillary. Well you ever learn?
  15. Dracoa

    Dracoa Trusted.Member

    "Obamacare" was based largely off of Romneycare.
  16. goldie34

    goldie34 Just your friendly neighborhood golden man

    Harriet that goes off of friends that I have in Canada that dealt with a smiliar condition. Excellent as opposed to? And it was repealed bc there thing called no taxation without representation. Now a days they just put it in a different dress and call it something else.. I will also state that as to the investment factory post if they are so great nothing is stopping you from renouncing citizenship and going their.. Something your free to do.
  17. goldie34

    goldie34 Just your friendly neighborhood golden man

    Yes those debates where no debates and has to trump no getting good answers on policy it wasn't about policy it was more on okay let's pin this person on this one and this one on this one and have one big fight it was a terrible forum . As to a winner for last night tho I will go with Carly she is great also said she was. She doesn't have my vote now but if she is the nominee she sure and shit does.. Marco had a good night.. Jeb other then one or to little witty things I think he stayed level.. I will pull him with trump and Huckabee and Carson and Walker.. I think rand is done .. Christie did good pulling his record into it and backing it about the people to his opening was great with having the camera put on the audience rather himself
  18. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, the republicans would mostly want to shutdown this site and any like it, mostly for religious reason and what it would considered to be a deviation from social norms. But the democrats would also want to shut down this site because it doesn't promote the type of thinking that they wish to instill in people and they would gain no advantage, the democrats also don't want changes to their society, once they get it to the way they want it to be.

    In my opinion, republicans don't want changes to our society because they think our society is good and they feel changes would make things worse. They would need to believe that the changes would make things better and be supported by the majority. If our society wasn't what republicans believe to be good, they would be the first to want change. The democrats seems to believe that our society is not good and they want to change it to what they believe to be their ideal society. Once they got their ideal society, there would be no chance to change it. Then the democrats would not allow change.
    goldie34 and Antares like this.
  19. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    With the exception of Sweden, I don't consider these to be socialist countries. They have socialist policies but overall they are democratic countries with capitalistic tendencies. But that is my opinion.

  20. goldie34

    goldie34 Just your friendly neighborhood golden man

    And Sweden has been fighting for there freedom to have a democracy and open capitalism.
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