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Why the Quebec should be a country. Do you agree?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by MilaHot, Jul 4, 2022.

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  1. phantom

    phantom Account Deleted

    How much of this is because of differences in culture. Part of me looks at this and just see an issue with culture and how people value there culture. Normally these type of issue where one set of people feel bad because of another set of people, it is not color, race, etc... it is culture and the other people respecting that culture. In the end one side does not respect the culture "because why should I" or this disrespects my culture in some way. So this escalates as people try to control the narrative allowing there culture to win, or have more weight in some way.
  2. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    Well, Canada expects us to respect them, while, on their side, they are allowed to disrespect us. So its not really fair.
    Anti-Quebec prejudice is one of the last remaining acceptable bigotries in this country, Canadians think its "okay" to be anti-Quebec. The Canadian medias often depicts the Quebec wrongly, with prejudice, just to make us look bad, to insult us.
    So if Canada wants the Quebec to stop wanting to separate, they have to start to show us some respect, to stop insulting us, they need to act with us as if we were equal citizens. Maybe, just MAYBE, we would think about staying in Canada then
  3. phantom

    phantom Account Deleted

    So maybe the question is how could you culture get more respect, with out insulting the other side? I think that much of the Canada tourist value and general pride is because of the Quebec culture in Canada as an example
  4. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    We tried to gain the respect, but they still spit on us.
    We accepted the bullying for years, we accepted to be sacrificed in the Trade Deals, yet, they still insult us.
    We try to speak about our culture, but Canada use their medias to depict us in a bad way, to make people think we are bad.
    Just look at racist "journalists" like JJ McCullough, who constantly spread lies about the Quebec, saying that its 'facts' when all he spread is bullshit and lies, insults and hate.
    So no, its not about "What Quebec can do to earn the respect of Canada", its more "Canada should work on themselves to earn the respect of the Quebec"
  5. phantom

    phantom Account Deleted

    So just one thought, as this is an issue here as well, and everywhere else.. our modern world give small voiced a large microphone. This is causing trouble in the USA with trump for example, as a few people can cause a lot of pain. Or saw something that can make people of different race or color or sexuality upset. No matter what the other side does to make you culture feel better, there will always be that one jerk that will saw something to upset people. Part of this has to be the majority of people down playing there view and recognize the positives, as these few negative people are few and don't speak for everyone, even if they sound like they do, it also needs people to not let there negative view to spread, in young minds. No easy to deal with.. but just a thought. Given what you said, it seem most people in Canada like and want Quebec around, else they would be all good with splitting. However not enough has been done to grow the positive thoughts from the negative so the cycle repeats
  6. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    Its not that the others "like" the Quebec, its just that they want what we do in Canada (we are the lead research field in many things happening in Canada, like aerospace tech for exemple). So its not "because they like us", its because they want the advanced stuff we do. Canada has no damn respect or love for the Quebec, they just want to profit from what we do.
    So unless they do MAJOR work on themselves, it'll be hard to get along.
    The Quebec has faced racism and assimilation attempts for WAY TOO LONG for it to go well. Canada has a LOT to be forgiven for. Canada has a LOT to make up for before 'friendship' can return between Canada and Quebec
  7. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    I live close enough to the border. Want respect. Stop insisting non residents address you in French. And stop acting like asses when the people who dont or wont speak French don't. You are not in France.
  8. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    But Canada ask us to speak English.
    And we do NOT ask non resident to speak French. Not at all.
    And yes, we are not in France, we are in the Quebec, a FRENCH province.
    Its time people respect us in our own lands.
    SO its about time people start respecting us. Not everyone here speak english. We do not ask non resident to speak french, but they could make the effort to not boss us around when they are in OUR place. If you come in our lands, respect our culture, don't insult us, don't piss on us and pretend its rain
    That comment you made just prove you don't understand the situation there, or shows intolerance for a whole culture.
    Americans travel in other countries and some of them like to think they are the bosses. If an American tourist come in the Quebec and starts bossing us around, we don't like it. So if people here acted like asses with you, maybe its because YOU acted like an ass with them first. That's the American arrogance that many other countries don't like
    WE NEVER acted like asses with people not speaking french. We know not everyone speak french. But we ask that people respect us too
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2022
  9. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Except for constant personal experience. I dont speak French. One of the few western european I dont speak something of. Wife does. She has caught shop owners, and others saying they can but refuse to and people need to "RESPECT that we are a French Provence". But you are not. You are a Provence of Canada. Canada is in the British Commonwealth. Not French. You are not a nation. You are a Provence of a nation.
  10. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    if you look at the laws in Canada, Quebec is a FRENCH province. Not English. Not BILLINGUAL. But FRENCH. Its in the Charter of Rights of the Quebec
    And yes, we are not a nation even if we are, but that's because Canada doesn't respect us.
  11. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    Quebec law is unique in Canada because Quebec is the only province in Canada to have a juridical legal system under which civil matters are regulated by French-heritage civil law. Public law, criminal law and federal law operate according to Canadian common law. Even the official language of the Province is French
    [Assented to 31st July 1974]. French is the official language of the province of Québec.
  12. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    also, buffyfan, yes, there are assholes in the Quebec, because there are Humans in the Quebec. There are assholes EVERYWHERE you find humans. But the general population of the Quebec are not, even after 3 centuries of bullying by an english majority
  13. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    This discussion is becoming pointless.
  14. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    I think its still useful, I get to see how some people think, and I get to tell them more about my homeland's problems
  15. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    After all, some Americans here say we speak too much of their problems, so its fine to speak about other countries. So I speak about mine.
    I show them that there is some dark stuff about Canada, that its not as perfect as some make it sound and all
  16. Interesting Imagery

    Interesting Imagery Trusted.Member

    That’s right, we are not in France, but Nouvelle-France, which was renamed Québec. Your comment was disappointing to read as it demonstrated your lack of comprehension of Canadian history and spoken like a colonizer (speak white). I’ll flip it back to you. Why doesn’t the ROC speak French? It’s supposed to be a bilingual country, no? Stop insisting everyone speak English for you. Jeez.
    MilaHot likes this.
  17. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    Thank you!
  18. Interesting Imagery

    Interesting Imagery Trusted.Member

    I spent five minutes reading here and already I need a shower. It’s like I’m reading the bigoted comments section from the National Post or The Sun. That’s why I rarely venture in the politics sub-forum.
    Star_of_sea and MilaHot like this.
  19. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    Its because people read to stuff from bigots like J.J McCullough and think the Quebec is made of racists, yet they don't respect the people here and pretend that we owe them the respect they don't show us
  20. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    A repost for those that haven't read it:

    Yes, Quebec is "ultra-sensitive." But, sensitive in the way indigenous Canadians are sensitive when someone brings up controlling their education, given the residential schools experience. There's a legacy of discrimination and prejudice that someone from that group understands all too well.
    Indigenous people aren't the only group that the anglophone majority tried to aggressively assimilate in Canadian history. Yes, Quebec is sensitive, because these sloppy prejudicial comments about Quebec happen often.
    The Potter debacle comes on the heels of another anti-Quebec diatribe, printed in the Washington Post. Political commentator J.J. McCullough wrote a piece headlined, "Why does 'progressive' Quebec have so many massacres?"
    The piece, in very sloppy fashion, tried to explain why six high-profile murders in the province since 1984 can be attributed to a dark, racist and corrupt history in the province. The author's unfounded correlation and causation would never pass any introductory statistics class.
    Watch the media discourse. Whenever something bad happens in Quebec - especially involving minorities or racism - a convenient narrative sounds: "We knew it all along, Quebec is a racist or hateful place."

    Quebecers are all still blamed for Quebec Premier Jacques Parizeau's post-sovereignty-referendum words in 1995, in which he blamed "money and the ethnic vote." The blame remains even though he immediately resigned and was universally criticized within Quebec.
    Anti-Quebec prejudice is one of the last remaining acceptable bigotries in this country.

    The larger question of why French Canada is sensitive about these attacks requires a look at Canadian history. Although the Quebec Act of 1774 allowed French Catholics to preserve their language, religion and culture, it didn't take long for anglophone Protestant settlers to say they wished French Canadians would disappear.
    Lord Durham's 1839 Report on the Affairs of British North America expressed a preference for Upper and Lower Canada to unite into a single province, in order to assimilate the French. Durham also couldn't resist insulting the French.
    Flip forward to the unjust treatment of the mainly French-speaking Metis and their leader Louis Riel.
    Or flip to the Manitoba Schools Question in the late 19th century, where accommodating French students was deemed too much.
    Now when francophones act to preserve their unique character within North America, they are attacked as hateful by the same society that sought their assimilation for years.

    No wonder we French Canadians are sensitive. Just read our history.
    Interesting Imagery likes this.
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