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When will current political trend of Extremes and polarization end.

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by cyrusthegreat333, Apr 30, 2021.

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  1. cyrusthegreat333

    cyrusthegreat333 Trusted Member

    I hate how the new norm on both sides of the political spectrum is to demonize each side as much as possible. What happened to having debates and discussions, why is there no middle ground both sides can come together on anymore why are we so obsessed with making the other side out to be Satan incarnate while isolating ourselves in a bubble and echo chamber of only people with the same opinions, and if you support any idea or policy that goes against your party you're called a Fascist or Communist. I'm a Liberal that likes guns and supports other "right wing" ideas, I'm sick of our political climate and I hope the next trend is one of empathy and compassion for eachother as fellow Americans and human beings. We need to sit in eachothers shoes more often and understand eachother more. Look at the people around you with kindness and "love your neighbor" as Jesus said instead of choosing fear and hatred. God bless you all and I hope you're having a good day.
    Dominic Decoco likes this.
  2. Bh5153

    Bh5153 Trusted.Member

    This is all by design. Obama started it in his administration, then the left ramped it up during Trumps. Now regular people are scared to say anything.
    Brutus58, FAndF86 and GeekBoy03 like this.
  3. orly6666

    orly6666 Trusted.Member

    As long as there are politicians that only think about what's best for them personally, and what will get them elected or reelected it will not end. It's all about power and money, and the general pubic are just pawns in their demented chess game.
    FAndF86, RedGrlLvr, Djole and 2 others like this.
  4. teaber

    teaber Trusted Member

    I don't believe it's just due to one politician, or a few selected influential figures. People (mostly on the left, but not only) like to blame Trump for the radicalization of public debate, but this started before him. If something, Trump is a byproduct of this.

    I think the progressive (pun not intended) erosion of free speech, and the polite interchange of ideas, started with the rise to prominence of certain theories and ideologies, all of them stemmed from, or very influenced, by certain branches of post-modern philosophy. CRT, intersectionality, identity politics—those are all connected, and share a common disdain for analytical reasoning in favour of emotion. They are the foundations of the political speech of today's elites, and have spread like wildfire; they are now everywhere (academia, social media, pop culture). Until something is done to counteract this, mainstream culture won't return to some semblance of normal.
    Dane likes this.
  5. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    You just exactly described the Democratic party and the liberal mindset.
  6. Bh5153

    Bh5153 Trusted.Member

    Teaber you are exactly right. This has been a slow build up since the 70's. It really caught full swing when Clinton was in office and political correctness became popular. That was the first real strike against free speech, and it worked. Obama came along and he is a devoute follower of Saul Alinsky and he started dividing the country. First by racial lines, then economic lines, socio-economic lines,until everybody was divided and now we are witnessing the by-product of all that. All of this only works on low information voters, but it's sad to see how these socialists want to destroy the country.
    GeekBoy03 likes this.
  7. Revenue_Brilliant

    Revenue_Brilliant Trusted Member

    It just will. History repeats itself
  8. GeekBoy03

    GeekBoy03 Trusted Member

    If Republicans win control of the House in 2022, I suspect it will end then as Democrats will finally see it as a losing strategy.
  9. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Sorry I disagree with that.
    The liberal Democrats will become more voiceful than ever.
    They will not stop until our country is totally destroyed or taken over by a bloc of nations or of one of the other
    super powers.

    I stated some time ago, I have a brother who was a lifer in the military, pretty high rank, and he
    said that if we were to be invaded near the end of the Clinton presidency by China or Russia,
    we would have lost within the first 6 months because our military was so decimated.

    When Trump took office, one of the top generals in charge of national defense told
    the newly elected president that we had no ammo.

    Apparently, Obama try to do the same, but having a Republican majority in the Senate kept him completely
    destroying our military like Clinton.
  10. GeekBoy03

    GeekBoy03 Trusted Member

  11. S.F

    S.F New Member

    I do blame news agencies for the ever faster publication of not well enough researched claims. Journalism is just a shadow of its former self, devoured by sensationalism. The pressure on politicians that everything they say can and will be cut into out-of-context head lines and grey-area defamation to support some news channels agenda "to be the first" and sell the most articles behind their click bait headlines with premium subscription or sell more papers from the shelves is disgusting.

    It gives extremist streams within political parties a head start over rational and well thought-out arguments.
    Dominic Decoco and Dane like this.
  12. changoTor

    changoTor Trusted Member

    Covid is doing a good job of thinning the herd currently. I assume that people that believe in science will eventually be the ruling class.

    That would be nice for a change. Actual facts and stuff used to make informed decisions.


    Sign me up for that system.
  13. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Actually Covid has not done a good job in thinning the herd. In fact after doing the studies, Covid has had zero impact on the Earth's population. The death rate has actually decreased from normal.
  14. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    lol where there are humans, there are stupidity. Even if we have facts, proofs, there always will be people to deny them and scream 'Fake news'
    Bh5153 and orly6666 like this.
  15. changoTor

    changoTor Trusted Member

  16. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    This is a chart of the rate of deaths per 1,000 in the United States per year. If you look at the bottom chart the rate increase in the last 10 years reached a high of 1.290% in 2014 and since that time the rate of increase has been dropping. Even after the start of the pandemic the rate of increase is dropping. The pandemic did not in anyway cause an increase in the rate of deaths. Information that the pandemic is a serious threat is false.

    Dane likes this.
  17. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Unless the virus was released in 2014 and it took a few years for the medical field to catch up to the cause.
  18. orly6666

    orly6666 Trusted.Member

    The rate of death may be unchanged due to people staying at home, pretty hard to die accidentally or violently laying on your sofa watching TV......
  19. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    The rate of death is unchanged or dropping because they are relabeling cause of death from something else to Covid. You can die in a car accident and if you test positive for Covid antibodies, its listed as a Covid death.
    Dane likes this.
  20. orly6666

    orly6666 Trusted.Member

    I find it hard to believe that a doctor would put a false cause of death on a legal document....
    Conservative_dad likes this.
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