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MAGA: Real men take the stand and testify

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Lolimsa, May 10, 2024.

  1. Wooduet

    Wooduet Trusted Member

    I'm not saying you're smarter either. In fact I'm done responding, you can't argue with anyone who thinks this administration is better than the last, or that our country is better now than under Trump. You keep looking at other countries ( as their markets crash like ours, and they play out the proxy wars we fund) keep telling yourself Trump and patriots are the biggest threat to democracy, as your candidate is installed, surely no one voted for her. Watch as everything you accuse the maga extremist of doing your party does. I'll pray for you and everyone as disillusioned as you are. Bless your heart.
  2. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Account Deleted

    Amazing... Facts have always confused Trump supporters, mainly because they refuse to look outside of the cult they belong to. I don't fool myself about the Democrats having their own agenda, but none of them are trying to do away with our constitution and seat themselves as a dictator... Which is exactly what Trump means when he says there won't be a vote at the end of his 4 year term if re-elected... That is the difference... But Trump followers refuse to admit it
    Akbloke likes this.
  3. Wooduet

    Wooduet Trusted Member

    Well let's see packing the Supreme court, gun control, and installing candidates all of which goes against the Constitution. Try again.
  4. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Account Deleted

    You just described the Trump Supreme Court and his maga group who has done his bidding instead of working for the country. And the gun control thing... Do you think if we had more control over weapons, like assault riffles, the kid who tried to take Trump out would have had a harder time? Remember... he bought the gun from his dad who purchased it legally... Maybe putting more restrictions on them, without banning them completely, would be a good idea, no? But it's already to late for that now... There are thousands being sold and traded every day, due to the lack of control giving in the first place. So try again... Maybe this next time you will not quote things Trump has done in his quest to change our country to a dictatorship.
    Perviator likes this.
  5. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    "Well lets see"...
    Packing the Supreme Court....that is what Trump and his sycophants have done....
    Gun Control...well, once again...Trumps and his puppets....only its "lack of gun control"
    Installing Candidates...and you forgot rigging of election....which is what Repulsive Party Trump and his fellow Felons do....
    Oh yes...you also declined to mention that Trump was found guilty on 34 counts of fraud by his peers...and if it had been any other person with 34 counts of being found guilty, they would be wearing an Orange jumpsuit awaiting sentencing...but because he was a President...he is given special treatment......oh and he has been found guilty of Rape.....and when the Justice Department has finished going through all of the Jeffery Epstien documents....there will most likely be more, far more serious charges headed his way. And you want a president with these sorts of morals..??
    The best place for him is the Big House....not the White House.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2024
    Perviator likes this.
  6. Lolimsa

    Lolimsa Moderator Staff Member

    You have not, sorry :( You mention several obvious truths, like the insane idea of men competing in women's sports. But your sources are mainly misleading.

    Why you don't ask us here, who represent tens of countries, if the US was remotely "respected on the world stage" with Trump?? It was not at all, sorry :(
    Perviator and Akbloke like this.
  7. Wooduet

    Wooduet Trusted Member

    Yeah sorry, that's kinda what happens when you have a leader who puts Americans first. All the free passes dry up.
  8. Wooduet

    Wooduet Trusted Member

  9. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    I pity you Wooduet....
    No, If I did do exactly what I accuse DonOLD Trump of, then I would have been locked up and the key thrown away....and not and anywhere near as many chances as what he has.....
    So,. in your last sentence you accuse me of being a Fraudster, a Rapist (possibly soon a rapist of a minor) and a conman...he has been found guilty on 34 counts....34!!!! And when the DOJ gets back on track down in Florida, and gets rid of that brown-nosing Judge Cannon, then they will find him guilty of stealing highly classified documents....and there are likely to be more charges pending.
    The US needs to amend their laws so that anyone who has been found criminally guilty of an offence is forbidden to try for a position in office.
    Perviator likes this.
  10. Wooduet

    Wooduet Trusted Member

    Keep your pity, 34 counts, a misdemeanor that the statue had expired, turned into a felony by a DA who lets real criminals out on cash less bail. No mention of exactly what the second crime was that turned into a felony, just so the Democrats could say convicted felon. Well that's backfired hasn't it? People aren't stupid, well some are. Those 34 counts will all be overturned. That's a fact, you can bank on it.
    Lolimsa likes this.
  11. Wooduet

    Wooduet Trusted Member

    Joe Biden highly classified documents while he was a senator, which means they had to be smuggled out of the skiff. But he's a dottering old fool so we're not going to prosecute, oh and it's he's DOJ. Shouldn't you be worried about your government taking away your freedom, oh wait you're all for that.
    Brutus58 likes this.
  12. Brutus58

    Brutus58 Trusted.Member

    The 34 counts being overturned, I doubt that. Corruption knows/has no bounds and corruption in the present administration runs high. I'm surprised I'm not being accused of having top secret documents in my garage next to my Corvette for YEARS. OH WAIT, that was Biden wasn't it? Except he was NEVER charged!!!!! CORRUPTION at the highest level. THAT"S YOUR PROOF if only people would open their eyes and MINDS to the facts. One law for me and another for thee. I don't have a great love for Trump, but I have a GREAT hate for CORRUPTION. And don't forget about the fake Russian COLLUSSION, COLLUSION, COLLUSION with ensuing impeachment of Trump over a work of FICTION paid for by Hillary and company. Don't forget that impeachment cost the tax payers MILLIONS of dollars! Just to get revenge. That lying piece of fecal matter should not be allowed anywhere near any government office or allowed to speak in public in any manner, way, shape or form. She and all those who helped her (colluded) forfeited THAT right. All of them should be in prison for conspiracy.

    I know this a bit of a rant , but I can only stand by so long and read B.S. without speaking. Did not mean to offend anybody. My apologies to those offended.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2024
    Wooduet likes this.
  13. Perviator

    Perviator Mother son is my favorite pairing.

    Over 60 courtcases lost by Trump! Not a shred of evidence for election fraud.

    More the opposite, election workers won their libel case! AND it was Trump who tried to force Raffensberger to 'find him 11700 votes' somehow!
    I'm just glad he did not have and kompromat on Raffensberger a la 'I need you to do us a favor though' as in the Ukraine / Zelensky scandal. Or he would have forced R. to find him the votes and buy himself an election, by hook or by crook!

    I worry about the Trump-loyal election officials alreay in place, ready to withhold certification of local results, just in case it looks like he lost - again - !

    Lets hope that the numbers are too big to be challenged, one way or another. At least you can be sure that KH will accept a defeat, it that should happen! Unlike mister 'If we lose, the election, it was definitely stolen from us!' , who cries foul, before the final whistle.

    Let that weasel come a debate KH, if he dares. It's clear that he is running scared of her... which is why he does not want to debate her on ABC, but only with his safety blanket on Fox and with and with a biased audience, that will shout down any argument from KH. So much for any time, any place. Another lie , as always.
    It seems the GOP cannot wait to rename America Gilead.
  14. Lolimsa

    Lolimsa Moderator Staff Member

    Facts are supposed to be in the past or present, not in the future.

    Perviator and Akbloke like this.
  15. Brutus58

    Brutus58 Trusted.Member

    Sadly that's not how it works in the reality of the current legal system.
    Perviator likes this.
  16. Wooduet

    Wooduet Trusted Member

    Good morning everyone. Hope everyone's doing well this beautiful day.
  17. Lolimsa

    Lolimsa Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks, it's actually a beautiful day in US politics :) Kamala named her vice-president and Trump and Republican media immediately started to laughably try to discredit him. Meanwhile Kamala fills huge stadiums in her rallies. Very refreshing :)
    Akbloke, messydick and Perviator like this.
  18. pussycat

    pussycat Trusted.Member

    I'm enjoying it. Watching the climate change deniers dog paddling from house to house on the news is a great way to relax.

    Akbloke, Lolimsa and Perviator like this.
  19. pj73nicks

    pj73nicks Picture is worth 1000 words - even phallicly

    It is a new day in US politics. Wasn't a fan of Biden, too old. Not a fan of trump -- too much asshole
    See what Kamala and Walz bring
    Perviator and Lolimsa like this.
  20. Lolimsa

    Lolimsa Moderator Staff Member

    I was thinking .... if Walz is anywhere as lousy as Trump and Republicans claim .... wouldn't all Republicans be HAPPY about that choice??? But they all look too mad. If my main competitor makes any bad decision, I would be the happiest.
    Perviator likes this.