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MAGA: Real men take the stand and testify

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Lolimsa, May 10, 2024.

  1. Lolimsa

    Lolimsa Moderator Staff Member

    To the MAGA folks here: WOW, is it possible that a porn star had to make us realize that a real man would take the stand and testify??? But he just whines in the hallways, like a coward, actually. No disrespect to Trump, he is a former president, but his current actions are those of a coward.

  2. Lian

    Lian Account Deleted

    That fucker always was a coward. He's a fraud, a thief, he dodged the draft because he didn't want to serve his country. Trump serves only one thing: himself.
  3. tiberiusbone

    tiberiusbone Trusted Member

    Hard to say anything good about him. He's dangerous and incompetent.
  4. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Account Deleted

    Not only did he dodge the draft, he condemned people like John McCain and couldn't be bothered to honor our dead from WW1because it was raining... And who is his favorite General? Michael Flynn, a former National Security Adviser to trump who was declared an agent of Russia after doing trumps bidding... trump, a true American, that one.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2024
  5. Lian

    Lian Account Deleted

    Yet, people are still dumb enough to vote and support him. Its a Cult
  6. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Account Deleted

    You know it's a cult when you tell the country you like uneducated people and they flock to you. And trump's dad worshiped tyrants and thought the US should be under a dictatorship... little donnie is just doing what his daddy asked of him, when daddy stole the money from a business he was in with his brother and gave it to donnie... That's how he was able to pay back the cash he stole from the Ryan White fund, a child who died of aids. Micheal Jackson started it and trump jumped on for the publicity.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2024
  7. Lolimsa

    Lolimsa Moderator Staff Member

    I still wish to hear from a conservative folk here, as maybe there is a logical explanation for why a supposed real man like Trump shouts his truths on hallways and social networks, but won't take the stand and testify with same eloquence.
    Nos4a2, Akbloke, fernie and 2 others like this.
  8. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Account Deleted

    You're young and have time to wait... Good luck!
    Nos4a2 and Lolimsa like this.
  9. fernie


    Trump is a piece of shit.... an egomaniac with an inferiority complex.
  10. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    He is a narcissist of the worst kind. Hopefully, Americans who honestly do care about their country, will wake up come their voting day, and make the effort to go out and vote against him. Only by using their constitutional right to vote can they ever be rid of him. Remember Americans: - "YOU - THE - PEOPLE...!!!

    But what amazes me is this: If (or when) he is legally found to be guilty by his peers in this trail with Judge Juan Marchon of trying to hide the facts of his sex affair with "Stormy", and he will most likely be given a pair of orange overalls to wear......how is he able to run for the office of the President while being found guilty of a crime..?? Do you Americans allow criminals to also be your President..?? And at the same time..??

    And this is not to mention all of the other trails that he has coming up.....

    And then there is the situation of allowing an incompetent and blatantly biased Judge in Florida to sit on his case about all of those secret documents....

    And how does a person who is no longer in office....an "EX" President, get to be allowed to have so much influence that he can be allowed to get his Judges in the High Court to do his bidding by removing all of those women's rights by reversing the Roe Vs Wade case...and setting things back over 150 years in some States....??
  11. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

    I don't see Trump doing any of this.....just saying as an outsider.
  12. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Account Deleted

    The way our laws are written, as long as he is not convicted of insurrection, he can run for office. That is one of the reasons he is pushing for the Supreme Court to say a sitting President is above the law. Even though he had temporally stopped the peaceful transfer of power for a short time, during the time he was still the sitting president and wants to use that as his out.

    It is also the reason the judge he appointed in Florida, who is overseeing the Documents trail, is trying to push the date back till after the election. If he gets back in, he can declare himself dictator, which has been his plan all along. He can then dismiss all the charges against himself, except for the State trials where he is being charged with trying to fix the election. However, even that is in jeopardy should he get his way.

    I am holding out hope that those who didn't vote in the primaries, and those who voted as a protest against Biden, will do the same thing they did during the last election that involved him. The reason he can't believe he lost is because he thought he had it all tied up with his backroom dealings. However, the people of America saw through him and voted him out.
    coveryerteeth and Perviator like this.
  13. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    To my way of thinking, this is where your judicial system fails....in having the President put in place the judges of your high courts...it makes them all very political and likely to be biased in favour of the guy who gave them their job, and they need to be made accountable. and to declare all of their financial and political interests. They need to be totally UN-biased.
    Zacko, Nos4a2 and Always-Learning like this.
  14. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Account Deleted

    Agreed, and that is a big debate right now. We have two judges who are known sympathizers of trump and been on the bench for a long time. Then there are the ones he appointed. The push is to take "appointments" for replacing the judges by the sitting party is a very big thing now. Especially since Thomas has been living on the dime of one of trump's major supporters for years. And while a judge can be impeached for crimes and dereliction of duty, it has to be done by vote of the House and that is full of jokes like Marjory Taylor Green.

    We are a mess over here right now. Most want to seemingly forget how bad things were during the pandemic, which was his time in office. Most don't know that his polices created 50 new billionaires and that 5 of those collect 80% of all profits made during that time... And trying to explain that our runaway inflation is due to his polices while in office is the same as telling them trump is a crook.
    coveryerteeth, Zacko and Perviator like this.
  15. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    Well...to answer this, from what I see, Biden IS getting the inflation under control...AND decreasing the unemployment. He needs to get in for another term...Women's rights need to be restored as well.

    And as for total embarrassments like MTG......she and her ilk (like the one in Colorado who likes to shoot her puppies, and Bobert)...need to be gotten rid of legally by not being voted in again. Try and let common sense prevail (trouble is..."common sense" isn't common enough).
  16. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Account Deleted

    I can't think of one maga member who isn't a joke, when it comes to the term, Law Maker. Rick Scott was in Congress before, except it was for the biggest Medicaid ripoff in our nation's history. He claimed the 5th amendment, which says you don't have to testify against yourself, 74 times during his trial. Now the people of Florida keep voting him back into every office he runs for, even though the record show he has continued to hold to the same way he made his money in the first place... by stealing from them.

    Matt Gaetz is another wonderful example of Florida politics. He has been connected more than once to sex with a minor, even trafficking an underage girl, but for some reason, all the witnesses refuse to testify. And given that the two biggest terrorist groups of January 6th (proud boys and oath keepers) are from Florida, you can imagine why.

    Then there is Speaker Johnson, who says he is christian and won't play party politics, that tabled a bipartisan bill co-written by one of the most conservative republicans in office. Who also, I might add, received death threats toward himself and his family and told if he tried to push a bill like that before the election they would ruin his career... It is pure mafia politics by someone who likes to claim he is the most powerful Don (as in mafia Don and crime lord) ever lived...

    My biggest hope is they go into trump's bedroom and find him expired. While I'm sure his cult will claim he was killed, it would at least stop his crime spree... And Don Jr... he's to coked out to really put anything together for himself and will never have the following of his dad. And if the orange buffoon is gone, perhaps we can regain some civility.
  17. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    That's my hope...that once the "Orange Buffoon" is gone, then some sense of normality will come back. One can only hope. All this would never have happened in Ron Reagan's day. At least some of the 6th Jan crim's are experiencing a life behind bars. And they now have that Rap sheet for the rest of their lives. To my way of thinking, it is like what Adolf did to get into power...."the night of the long knives" in the 1930's. And "Kristalnacht".
    Zacko, Lian, Nos4a2 and 1 other person like this.
  18. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Account Deleted

    It is exactly what Adolf did. His, Adolf's, first task was to get the religious groups to believe his way was Christian, which he claimed in a speech in October of 1928, and then used their phobias and fears to bring himself to full power. Once they were on board, all he had to do was point a finger and tell them this group or that group was out to get them... Sounds strangely like trump, does it not? And when trump talked about putting an "iron fist" around our country, sending troops into other countries to prevent crime here, and all the other propaganda... like making Mexico pay for a wall... They love it because it feeds their hate while giving them the excuse they need to do his bidding... Evil is alive and thriving.
    coveryerteeth, Zacko, Akbloke and 3 others like this.
  19. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Account Deleted

    Just a further note... I think it was George Carlin who said: Germany lost the fight but fascism won the war.
  20. Wooduet

    Wooduet Trusted Member

    TRUMP 2024!!! I'll enjoy the meltdown from the left.