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Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Carol, Sep 12, 2021.

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  1. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Because the poster resides in the USA.

    Why is it a joke?

    God bless the world is a great thing to say. If it is done in a knowledge that the nation, or world, believes
    and trusts in Him.

    But why say "God bless North Korea" when the Kim-Jong-un thinks himself as a god?
    And the populace believe he is a god. For what reason would God bless a nation that
    promotes God does not exist?
    Downnhill likes this.
  2. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

  3. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Because one is not supposed to ask God to bless those who reject Him.

    Would you ask God to bless the rapist of your daughter? Or the thief who smashed your wife in the
    head, crippling her during a robbery? Or the country leader who has imprisoned your cousin because
    they spoke against the corruption in the government? Or bless the dictator who has had any
    dissident beheaded so as to not let the truth be told?

    No? Why not?

    You just showed a video that said God bless everyone.
    Downnhill likes this.
  4. Downnhill

    Downnhill Trusted.Member

    It's a joke because you don't hear anyone else saying it. I never heard my country leaders saying it after speech. Closest is UK. "God save the Queen". I think colonialism or imperialism is not quite dead in USA quite yet.

    I almost wrote North Korea. :D but for that exact reason I didn't.

    I see whole saying bit of joke because more often than not people of USA can behave so godlessly.
    lurkorn and Dane like this.
  5. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    That is soooooo true!!
  6. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    That offer to Valerian is open to anyone who wishes to PM me.

    ( He declined my offer and asked for deletion of his account)
  7. Downnhill

    Downnhill Trusted.Member

    Then again so does many others too.
    Dane likes this.
  8. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Just an update to believers.

    Amazon's New Payment System Scans Your Hand Instead Of A Credit Card (delish.com)

    Amazon reportedly wants to turn your hand into a credit card (cnbc.com)

    If this isn't preparing those "Left Behind" for what's to come, I don't know what would be.

    With the Covid mandates being a trial for requirement for purchasing anything, (the Covid mandates
    are a trial to see what kind of pushback is expected to the palm or forehead reading requirement)
    this is another bit of proof of what is to become.

    One who has any knowledge in Revelation can easily see the progression.
    The non-believers have a blinded eye. The politicians, both sides, but especially the liberal
    left, and those who support them, have no clue what is instore for all.
    Foretold that when they end up getting their way, they will still blame the Elected.

    If anyone who reads this doesn't understand, I will explain upon request.
    Those who do understand, please open yourselves to explaining also, but always
    with a kind heart and ask for help to have a guided mind.
  9. Ouchthathurt

    Ouchthathurt Account Deleted

    That isnt a true athiests point of view. Or at least not an intellectually honest one's.
    Athiestic viewpoint is as follows:
    I dont believe your god exists because i havent seen any credible evidence of it.

    Similar to the 3000 other gods you dont believe in. The statement is not " i know god does not exist" it is " I dont believe any god exists without verifiable evidence "
    lurkorn, Dane, Incs and 1 other person like this.
  10. Incs

    Incs Account Deleted

    It's not just the lack of evidence but also the staggering number of contradictions, implausibilities, and downright weirdness in religious texts.

    For example, Abrahamic religions believe in an evil force, the devil or whatever name you want to give it. This devil, not omnipotent itself but supposedly wicked smart and capable, presumably knows that an all-powerful god actually exists. Nevertheless, it still tries to battle it out with god over human souls.

    How does that story make any sense whatsoever? I wouldn't enter the ring with a professional boxer, never mind with an omnipotent being. Defeat would be an absolute certainty. One might argue that the poor devil is crazy but in that case an all-loving and powerful god would surely want and be able to instantly cure it of its megalomania?

    I've checked out religious texts from pretty much all major religions just to understand where believers are coming from. I have never found one that doesn't strike me as having been conceived by humans, rather poor storytellers at that. Many fantasy books written by competent authors have more internal consistency and plausibility than all religious texts I've ever read. It's befuddling to know that billions of people from countless faiths are trying to build their actual lives around these stories, which all contradict each other and often themselves, and expect good life outcomes :confused:
  11. Ouchthathurt

    Ouchthathurt Account Deleted

    My contention is with the logic of the arguement rather.
    An athiest cannot proove there is no god, because there is a logical fallacy in that arguement as well as an intellectual dishonesty in stating that it is 100% true that there is no god.
    Imo the only honest and reasonable position is one of skepticism that without sufficient evidence, there is no proof that any god exists, therefore the default is non belief until proof of existence is presented.
    The burdeon of proof is logically placed on the individual making the claim. The severuty of the claim dictated the magnitude of proof required.

    If you say, i have a dog, thats a reasonable claim that requires very little proof because we know, based on evidence, that many people have dogs. However, claiming alien abduction would basically require an actual alien or space craft.
    The same applies to a god claim.
    whitecoffee1 likes this.
  12. Djole

    Djole Trusted.Member

    Hmmmmm, the question of GOD....

    "Put the fear of GOD in them!"

    A common, frequent saying. But why?

    Because we all know what god is, how powerful, and what could happen to us if we didn't comply.

    Like horror stories to stir up the blood, people tell stories of God to stir up love or fear, or hate.

    "Don't make me send your mother after you!" For some, an even more fearful threat.

    People need some sort of answer to all the questions around them, and God is a good answer to everything that we don't know.

    "Why? Because of GOD!"

    Years have passed and the stories have been repeated, word-to-mouth, and have been misconstrued, but it still doesn't mean that a virgin gave birth; however you rationalize it.

    Every woman was once a virgin, but then she wasn't anymore, and then she had a baby. No matter Who fucked her, he did, and then she had his baby! It's just natural Logic! But, to those that have been indoctrinated it is plausible for the son to father himself. (The grandfather paradox from time travel, put into religion 2000 years ago.)

    I don't know how electricity works, but I see it every day; at work, not the electricity. No one has to prove to me that it exists. They have to prove that a Fairy is responsible for it!

    The misinterpretations of words or ideas by people that don't know how things function had made the necessity for God to exist.
    As what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said through Sherlock Holmes: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Is very logical, still doesn't make it true! - There is no electric Fairy!

    Even the most Ingenious people of their times couldn't explain everything, even Einstein was looking for the theory of everything, never found it, But he didn't reach for god! While they did,(the most Ingenious people of their times). It was their step on the ladder of our evolution.

    Since evolution takes its time, it is only natural for some to be higher up a rung then others, at the same moment in history. But, I don't think that any of us are on top, I don't think that anyone can even see the top; Hell, who does even see the ladder?

    In repressive, no matter what GOD fearing country or religion, the believers are against education. They are against knowledge, because knowledge trumps belief. When you know that a turbine makes electricity, you can call it a Fairy, but it's still a turbine!

    Educating a woman, telling her that she isn't property, is blasphemy in so many countries and religions. Giving the woman her right to her own life, GRACIOUSLY, still doesn't make the turbine a Fairy, no matter how magical the electricity is.

    If You concede on one thing, the other unknowns do not remain in God's domain. Just in the realm of unexplained, yet!

    "If god is all-powerful, can he make a mountain
    so big that he himself cannot move it?"
    "He doesn't have to prove himself!"
    "No, he doesn't, but can he do it?"
    whitecoffee1 likes this.
  13. whitecoffee1

    whitecoffee1 Moderator Staff Member

    That's not a good answers. That's like seeing a math problem with mathematical symbols you maybe even haven't seen before and then just say the answer is 7 because you don't know how to solve the math problem yet.

    If we don't know the answer to something, it is better to keep learning so we will find the answer someday. But not using a placeholder as the answer.


    There are many questions left to answer and some of them will never be fully answered.

    For example:

    We have texts from "ancient egpytian" times from many thousands of years ago, but we will never fully know how the people who wrote those text would have said them out loud.

    We can make comparisons to languages that are spoken in that area today and draw some connections and build theories ..... but we will never fully know how those words were spoken.
    Djole likes this.
  14. Djole

    Djole Trusted.Member

    Yes, a placeholder "GOD" is as god as "X" or "Ω", when you want to talk about variables or unknowns.

    We NOW know of so many things that were 'unknown' for all of history, until they have been discovered. We probably will never know how those words that we can read in the hieroglyphs are or were pronounced, but we at least know what they said.

    Now, reading what they said, we know that they had a lot of "X's" and "Ω's". We know what they were thinking about, how they lived and what they were afraid of.

    When we know how they solved their problems, with the variables and knowns, at the time, we can solve for the unknowns, at the time, and get answers to their questions.

    With those formulas, we can solve many of their big problems, at the time using what we know is the truth, and are just left with today's problems and unknowns of today. (Like COVID, or who really killed...)

    We can use "GOD" as a placeholder, it's as good as "X' or '"Ω" or any other, as long as we know that it is only a placeholder.
    whitecoffee1 likes this.
  15. whitecoffee1

    whitecoffee1 Moderator Staff Member

    Fair enough. :p
    Djole likes this.
  16. Djole

    Djole Trusted.Member

    Now that we've solved the problem with GOD, on with the grind,... click.... clikk...clickkk.... in search for that elusive nugget on the net..

    Incs likes this.
  17. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Technically just the other two. Jews dont believe in the Satanic "Devil". Jews view him more as someone, still in heaven, who is the only one allowed to OPPOSE God's will. Think the Royal Fool (the real kind not the jester) who is allowed to question without punishment and push when he feels like the Royal is wrong, in private.
  18. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    I believe you have misused the term Abrahamic Religions. There are a lot of different Abrahamic Religions, not just Christianity.
  19. Djole

    Djole Trusted.Member

    Syllogisms help with many arguments.

    Arguments that have to explain GOD, or anything; that have to be deduced by logic, or faith, or any reason are not arguments.

    The "almighty, all-knowing, benevolent being that has created us all..." has so many traits, is so many things, does so many things, that it comes to reason...

    I am not God, the only thing that I have created, probably, (My wife only knows) is my child; and I couldn't stand by and watch it stumble, if I could help, even a little. The child has free will, but how many times would I let it burn its hand? None, if I could help it!

    There is no use in it. No headway for it. If I knew, there would be no hardships for it!

    "God knows how this all started. God knows how all this will end." To that I have to say: "GOD, what the fuck!!!"
  20. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Your statement is an example of most who do not know the beliefs of Judaism.

    Yes Jews believe in Satin, The Devil as a whole.

    A sect.
    Sadducees don't believe in Satan, Devil, whatever name you give an evil one. Neither do they believe in
    an afterlife.
    You are painting a whole race of people with one stroke.

    You, and everyone else is allowed to question God and He does not "punish" (as you put it) for questioning
    Him. In fact, He welcomes it if you are willing to listen to His answer.

    The unbeliever is blinded, and unfeeling to His presence. THAT, He says is unforgiveable. He manifests himself
    in all. Though most people reject that manifest. (Such as you, you are not a minority).

    IF you will believe, He will reveal Himself to you, in a way you can understand. Every person's understanding
    is unique to themselves. He will give you proof.

    Ask any true believer who is either Jew or Christian, they can (but may not, because some will not argue with
    an unbeliever as they know an unbeliever has not experienced what they have, and therefor, cannot, and
    will not, understand) explain what God has revealed to them in proof of His existence.

    The reason behind that, is the unbeliever will debase and scoff at the proof given by the believer.
    (Remember, the unbeliever cannot understand until they believe.)
    Therefor the believer generally knows no matter what they give as proof, it will not be accepted
    by the unbeliever until they, themselves, experience His presence in their life.

    Before you ask, YES, I can cite you many things in my life in which He has made known His presence
    to me.
    No, I will not share those as long as you wish to put me in a derogatory and abasing light.

    As long as your heart is hardened to God, I know there is nothing I can say that will allow you
    to listen to His truth.
    Can I give compelling evidence? Yes, if your heart is open. Ask any true believer.
    Can I give compelling evidence to you? No, since you are set against His existence.
    You won't believe Him, how can I, a creation of His, do more than Him to accept His presence?
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