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Don't these people ever learn?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Betullabond, May 20, 2021.

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  1. Betullabond

    Betullabond Trusted.Member

    In 2018 Vladimir Putin declared that the "Soviet Union is back" and warned the West (Democratic, Capitalist Christian) that they coming to destroy us. I included a "Soviet Union" parade in Red Square.

    Now the Russian people have a right to as much cultural/pride and patriotism as anyone. We all need a sense of self and national identity. This scene could be straight from the Cold War Era....or The Wizard of OZ movie, but I would urge any Russians here to remember the Soviet Era and not be distracted by allisions to "The Great Patriotic War" depicted in this clip.

    I include my comments on this video.....

    The return of the Soviet Union, Tovarishch (comrade) Putin?
    Does this mean a return to a centrally planned economy -that one that destroyed economic growth and individual incentive?
    Does it mean a return to Collective Farms; a system that led to the disastrous decline in crop yields and meat and dairy production...and endless cueing by shabbily dressed Russians for the scant, poor quality produce reaching the shops?
    Does it mean spending 70% of the budget on the armed forces, again?
    Does it mean a return to crushing media censorship and Marxist propaganda flooding the airwaves and newspaper stands?
    Does it mean a return to the Gulag internal exile in Siberia for critics of the Party?
    Does it mean the suppression of the Christian religion, beginning with returning the Russian Orthodox Church to a mere puppet of the Soviet government?
    Does it mean a return to revisionism of Russian history to demonize all events before the Bolshevik Revolution?
    Does it mean reuniting the 15 "Soviet Republics?" (I don't know that the Baltic States and The Ukraine would have much interest in that!)

    Here's an example from the days of central planning in the USSR.

    The managers of chemical producing factories had trouble with the managers of pipe making factories. They kept complaining that the cast iron pipes being supplied were constantly corroded by chemicals and would they please make modern plastic pipes. A common-sense request - but the pipe makers refused. Why? ....because, comrades, in a Command Economy, centrally located bureaucrats set pipe production by WEIGHT and pipe makers could never meet the quota with light weight plastics pipes. Now, tovarishchi, imagine the entire economy directed by THAT sort of political ideological insanity...and you have the Soviet Union.

    How could the USA thwart these efforts?

    Simples! Send them Joe Biden, Harris and Pelosi (The Marxist Three Stooges) to ruin, sorry, run their country.
    Last edited: May 21, 2021
    Dane and oldman681 like this.
  2. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    I have seem collectivism work in one place. Israeli Kibbutzes. How? They have NO POLITICAL POWER. So no real incentive for HUGE CORRUPTION.
    GreenShark84 likes this.
  3. Betullabond

    Betullabond Trusted.Member

    I think too that those Israelis had a strong sense of nation building - the restoration of Israel - the Russian people had no interest in "building socialism"; something Stalin learned when he saw that the people didn't fight to defend his commie-rot. The precept among Russians was "They (government) pretend to pay us and we pretend to work."
    Dane likes this.
  4. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    While true? I stand by it helps that there is no political power and therefore no incentive for corruption.

    Hell. If States would start saying "Unless codified in State Law or a COURT finds reasonable? HoA rules are not legally enforceable? HoAs would disappear within 2 years. Because Johny OldRetiredBat would not have power over a group anymore to impose his personal will.
    Dane likes this.
  5. Betullabond

    Betullabond Trusted.Member

    If I understood a word of what you wrote I could comment.
    Who or what is Johny (I think there should be two "N"s there) OldRetiredBat and what are HoAs?
    I think the Zionist Movement founded Theodor Herzl in 1897 and the impression the Alfred Dreyfuss affair had on him may have formed part of the background of the Kibbutz's movement as a way of getting "a toe-hold in Palestinian soil".
  6. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    HoA = Homeowners Association.

    Johny OldRetiredBat = Dictator type person who has had, or always wanted to have, any power over any one(s) business or
    living situation decides to make and take rules that do nothing but try to prove said person has power and control over you
    and/or others.
  7. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Johnny oldretirdbat - a HoA president who is usually retired and has nothing better to do than to make everyone's life miserable.
  8. Betullabond

    Betullabond Trusted.Member

    Good, I don't think there's a better description of Biden, but if he retired, we'd be stuck with deputy Commissar Harris, that Lenin-in-a-dress. If she was "removed' we'd have Speaker of the House, Pelosi and she's more senile and anti-American than Sleepy Joe, AOC and that smug Omar raghead put together.

    The writing on the wall....

    Dane likes this.
  9. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    We actually passed local ordinances that say new developments can not be HOA. Period. New HOA's are illegal in our town. And the existing ones saw the writing on the wall and their out there rules, like 95% of the HOA has to vote yes to dissolve. That was a real one. in a TEN home HOA, they tried to mask the "unanimous" that would be needed (meaning 9 could vote yes, the President of the HOA no and it stays) because "unanimous" tends to get kicked by courts.
  10. Eugen

    Eugen Trusted.Member

    To judge whether the USSR was good or bad, you need to live in it for 15-25 years. your quote is correct from the scanty part, Does this mean a return to a centrally planned economy that destroyed economic growth and individual incentives?
    Does this mean a return to the collective farms? a system that led to a catastrophic drop in yields and production of meat and dairy products ... and the endless hints of poorly dressed Russians about the meager low-quality products coming to stores? "Let's start with the products. Gost was the most stringent condition that could not be changed and distorted for this crime against society, the directors of enterprises were responsible to the fullest extent of the law. If bread was produced, then it was bread, and not the current periodic table with all sorts of emulsifiers and technical specifications (technical condition). That you do not have GOST can be changed as the selfish manufacturer wishes, and GOST was prescribed for everything that was produced on the territory of the USSR. If you are not too lazy, read it and you will regret that in the United States they did not think of it and that you were not what we see every day , but a hyper power. Not over, but hyper, that is, unattainable. And so it's easy to copy you, and does it make sense. Collective farms - only a fool did not understand what a collective farm was, it was a real Klondike for enrichment, lazy people did not want to work there, and the cunning and enterprising ones did not come from there. There was a saying, " Everything around is collective farm-everything around is MINE! "It is MINE, not the state's. Because the best was exported by collective farmers to the markets of cities and shops. Not only by state delivery, but also by private delivery to stores. The prices were fixed and there were no current price swings. It is the price swings that destroy the state and generate discontent among the population. The Gulag was there, but it disappeared with the end of Stalin's rule. You will tolerate an asshole from ISIS living near you, enjoying the benefits of the United States and shitting everyone. So the USSR had the right to be protected from such dissatisfied people. The state will not be offended by anyone who will not keep it by force, the planet. The yield and production of meat fell not under the USSR, but with the collapse of the USSR, very cheap and low-quality products began to be imported into the country en masse. Products from Europe (preferably) and the USA(remember already shudder) . when the price swings were the most severe, the price tag changed several times a day and everything was on the increase, it was the rule of Yeltsin. And before Yeltsin, Gorbachev was an idiot and a talker who could not manage the state. In Russia, Gorbachev is called an English spy. Where do his children live? IN ENGLAND! Well, and Vova and Maloli, what he said, as they say: the dog barks, the wind blows away. But what destroyed the USSR you don't say because you can't say that. Look at the price tags for oil and what agreements were concluded between the United States and the Arab kings at the end of the 80s. Yes, gentlemen, the USSR did not support the dumping of oil prices by the United States. Everything else is a lyric.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2021
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