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Do you believe in climate change?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Hatham, Jan 12, 2020.

  1. Brutus58

    Brutus58 Trusted.Member

    Let's just say that Mommy Nature is trying to revert back to the climate that existed at the time of the dinosaurs. If I remember correctly, the the average temperature of the of the entire Earth was 10 degrees warmer than now. Polar ice caps did NOT exist. Then again the Mohave, Gobi and Sahara deserts did not exist either. It took the efforts of a couple (or more) of MASSIVE meteors (and a few eruptions of super volcanoes) (collusion?) to turn this planet into an ice bucket. Through in continental drift for the extra laughs and giggles, what do you get? Theories about man (and woman) causing GLOBAL warming are just wishful thing. This planet has/is been in a state of gloal warminf since the ice age.
    Dane and Dracoa like this.
  2. NiveaSensitive

    NiveaSensitive Account Deleted

    The Sun must have been much larger back then to sustain larger vegetation.

    How did those massive dinosaurs sustain themselves?

    Burning massive amounts of fossil fuels without the vegetation to store the carbon is leading to the destruction of the atmosphere.
  3. Dracoa

    Dracoa Trusted.Member

    How "wrecked" is it if the hole closed? Not very I'd say.
  4. NiveaSensitive

    NiveaSensitive Account Deleted

    For now the ozone hole is closed thanks to coronavirus... Once the pandemic is over and everything reopens... humans will go back to making a mess.

    For emphasis:

    "According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world’s volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, while our automotive and industrial activities cause some 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide. Despite the arguments to the contrary, the facts speak for themselves: Greenhouse gas emissions from volcanoes comprise less than one percent of those generated by today’s human endeavors."
  5. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    The hole in the ozone layer is not caused by CO2. The chief component in causing the hole is chloro-fluoro carbon found mostly in aerosol propellant and air conditioning systems, thats why they changed the contents of air conditioners. The hole was found at the south pole. The reaction to destroy the ozone layer only occurs in temperature below -200 degrees Fahrenheit, and this temperature only occurs at the south pole.

    Air pollution does cause some health problems, but the pollution causing the most harm are CO, SO2, NO2. Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the amounts in our atmosphere, does not cause any health problems.

    The enslavement of animals does not cause desertification. Desertification occurs when forest and trees are cleared to make more farming land to grow crops. The more vegetables you grow, the faster desertification occurs. Also free range animals do not occur in large enough numbers to feed all the people in the world. So either you need to clear all forest and jungles to create enough grazing land to sustain all the animals needed, thereby accelerating desertification, or you need to reduce the number of humans on the planet so the demand on meat is less. You will probably need to kill about 6,000,000,000 people.
    Dane and Brutus58 like this.
  6. NiveaSensitive

    NiveaSensitive Account Deleted

    Where did I say that CO2 causes the hole in the atmosphere?

    Diesel exhaust is a group 1 carcinogen and does contain compounds which destroy the atmosphere.

    Particulate matter from air pollution is health degenerating.

    Your logic is horrible. The majority of crops are fed to enslaved animals; not humans. So the clearing of land to grow crops is because of these enslaved animals.

    Humans aren't meant to eat grains and neither large amounts of meat. Human societies were growing and processing high quality nuts in a large scale before the advent of grains. It's possible to have a healthy ecosystem of nut/fruit trees, grazing animals and fish.

    The majority of humans overeat themselves to death and food waste in the typical household is high.

    You're supporting a system on the brink of collapse.
  7. Dracoa

    Dracoa Trusted.Member

    So how many humans are you willing to murder to stop this? That's what you want, isn't it? For it to stop? Well that will require humans to be killed. You are clearly willing to have people murdered, the only question is how many.
    Dane likes this.
  8. Frappoblob

    Frappoblob Trusted Member

    keep in mind the rate in which those organic matters may grow and die in comparison to animals, humans and etc
  9. Frappoblob

    Frappoblob Trusted Member

    you dont need to murder anyone to stop it. the point is to reduce it to a point where it isnt even a problem. investing money into scientific research for things like fusion energy and more efficient green energies is the solution. nuclear is the future, people are just dumb and dont understand how it works.
  10. Krazyzeroo

    Krazyzeroo Sis lover

    Climate change is a fact which is prove true by events happening around us.
    Just 4 days ago we witnessed a huge casualty because of glacier sliding in uttarakhand region of india 50 dead and more than 150 missing....
    One thing is sure we all gonna pay for it.
    Perviator likes this.
  11. hipsterbag

    hipsterbag Trusted Member

    I think it's definitely real. Talk about the earth changing over the years...this is true, but not nearly as drastically as it has in the past 100 years. You can see on a chart that what's happening is highly abnormal
  12. Orange1111

    Orange1111 Trusted Member

    The World is heating up, that is undeniable. What is certainly true is that humans are not the sole cause of it, but what is equally untrue is that humans contribute nothing or even very little to it. Like everything in life, a simple black/white dichotomy is insufficient to explain complex processes and multiple factors.

    It is apparent that I do contend that Climate Change is affected by humans and their activity. The Ozone Hole only occurred due to the overuse of aerosols. The Sahara Desert is expanding due to poor agricultural methods and the destruction of local plants. Two real concrete examples that are easy to understand and observe directly attributable to people. I'm not educated enough to talk about CO2, so I won't, but I have no reason to believe that it wouldn't be a major factor.

    In my experience, Climate Change deniers typically believe something along the lines of "there is no way humanity can cause something like that". We've moved mountains, we've made artificial lakes, we've diverted rivers, we've pulled land from the sea, we've connected oceans in places that those oceans do not touch, we've destroyed countless ecosystems, we've changed the evolution of certain plants and animals to be beneficial to us (domestication), why couldn't we destroy the planet? Humanity isn't some powerless animal sitting on the sidelines, we're gods amongst the animals, and our power is only increasing both creatively and destructively. We already have the power to make this World uninhabitable in no time with nuclear war.
  13. User2222

    User2222 Trusted Member

    When a ground hog determines your planets climate change
  14. Frankfurter

    Frankfurter Trusted Member

    Global warming is a scientific fact. And should not be denied.
  15. Deer

    Deer Account Deleted

    They talk about global warming 30 + years!
    Still winters are cold as they were and summers are not hotter. Sea levels didn't rise.
    I call this crap.
    Yes planet climate is changing but not because of CO2 and global warming and greenhouse effect.
    It's natural change climate of the planet, we had an ice age 10000 years ago, now since then, the planet is still warming up.
    Brutus58 likes this.
  16. Frankfurter

    Frankfurter Trusted Member

    Summers are hotter believe science. Just google "Summers are hotter" or your statement "Summers are not hotter"
  17. Deer

    Deer Account Deleted

    I don't need to google something I know first hand.
  18. Frankfurter

    Frankfurter Trusted Member

    Ok then. i guess you know best.
    Lustig likes this.
  19. Deer

    Deer Account Deleted

    It's not that I know, it's that I can witness.
  20. Dracoa

    Dracoa Trusted.Member

    Like we are supposed to be under water now? That was peddled as fact that should not be denied once upon a time.