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A small reflection for those who participate in these threads

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Athenea, Feb 25, 2024.

  1. Athenea

    Athenea Some dream of a beautiful world, others create it. Staff Member

    Before posting a reply to one of these threads, I propose that each member make a small reflection, very simple and quick:

    Do we want to choose the path of being responsible for writing the first word, the first sentence that is the origin of a confrontation and a situation of verbal violence?

    Do we prefer to choose the path of pride because all our words, all our sentences show respect for the opinions of each member, even if they are not our own?

    Which is the choice, to be the problem or to be the solution?

    This is a quick thought before starting to write a response to a publication and also when reviewing before publishing.

    Thank you very much for reading these words.
  2. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Just a clarification. Members may say what they want, in whatever words they choose.

    Members may not personally attack other members. Ever.
  3. Lian

    Lian Account Deleted

    I have no trouble with people challenging my ideas, but yeah, I have trouble when they attack ME rather than my arguments, so I back this up 110%
  4. HiddenAG

    HiddenAG Trusted.Member

    Just a point of order, these are conflicting statements. Members will be punished for personally attacking other members is more accurate it's like Freedom of Speech in the US. You are free to say whatever you want, you are not free from the repercussions of your actions.

    That being said, follow the golden rule: Don't be a dick.
    D.C. Barnet and Lian like this.
  5. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Just to clarify, this forum is a private enterprise. Freedom of speech doesn't exist here. The privilege of expressing one's opinion is granted to those who remain within the rules and guidelines set forth.

    That being said, "don't be a dick" is always a good motto.
  6. HiddenAG

    HiddenAG Trusted.Member

    Much more succinct than I had put it. Thank you.
  7. Ariang

    Ariang Trusted Member

  8. Polarbears

    Polarbears Account Deleted

    The other side of the mirror

  9. Funnsafe

    Funnsafe Trusted Member

    When I was a much younger man, I was quick to give my opinion. Wish age, generally comes wisdom.
  10. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Followed shortly by senility.
  11. VeryStable

    VeryStable Account Deleted

    Tell that to our government!! Lol!
  12. dexterRod

    dexterRod Trusted Member

    Totally agree with the points made.
  13. KeyHoleEye

    KeyHoleEye Trusted.Member

    Unfortunately, age sometimes comes alone... :)
  14. Wherever_person

    Wherever_person Trusted Member

    It is quite literally the government that made that rule
  15. Yuno Riad

    Yuno Riad Trusted Member

    Something I read that always stuck with me is "Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences." I rather like that.
    Sl1ckW1lly likes this.
  16. slave2sis

    slave2sis Account Deleted

    Oppression is the Government or other Authority enforcing speech codes. Being told or asked to refrain from using offensive language, while annoying, is not.
    [EDIT] in his White Suit really should know better. I don't expect privileged little [EDIT] boys to understand this. Poor babies have been feeling oppressed ever since Mommy made them eat their vegetables.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2024
  17. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    One thing we simply will not tolerate on this forum is racism.
    EricTheRed, Akbloke and Athenea like this.
  18. slave2sis

    slave2sis Account Deleted

    Exactly! Looks like I simultaneously offended both Black and White sensibilities at the same time somehow. My apologies to the esteemed Mr. Freeman.


    We do tolerate sarcasm, but only to a point. Keep it up and your politics access will be revoked. - pussycat
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2024
  19. vladislav

    vladislav Trusted Member

    Offend (hurt feelings) . Ls the degree of "depth" of feelings really the same for everyone ? What can offend one will not be an insult to the other. Maybe, like in the Bible - treat others the same as yourself ( l hope we won't offend selves)
  20. Jack777g

    Jack777g Trusted Member

    no confrontation, only interest in other people's opinions