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Interesting view point from Australia on the G20 and the U.S.

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by joep, Jul 11, 2017.

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  1. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Being justified never stopped the Liberals from lying about the Conservatives. The way the Liberals see it, just putting the rumors out there, gives them an advantage. If no one says anything about the Liberals lying, then how are they justified if someone else uses similar tactics. People need to call everyone out for lying, not just the ones the people disagree with.
    kencopd likes this.
  2. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    OK, but that's not what we're talking about. I'm referring to representatives of the US Government spreading deliberate lies in order to paint a friendly neighboring country in a bad light. And a good chunk of the US population, gullable as they are, believes it.
    I don't care about your republican/democrat he said she said petty nonsense, but when someone else starts trashing my country for no valid reason, yeah, then I care. Wouldn't you?

    kencopd likes this.
  3. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    All I said was Liberals and Conservative, you automatically judged that it only pertained to the United States. The rivalry between the two movements does occur in the United States and it also occurs in Canada, England, Australia and many other countries in the world. It was meant as an example, whether its political parties or countries, it's the same, if you don't criticize one group then you have no justification to criticize another group for using the same tactics. I'm not saying you can't say it, I'm saying you aren't justified in saying it.
    kencopd likes this.
  4. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    In fairness. In some of those nations the Conservative side would be Center-Left here.
  5. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    Well at least we won't get blamed for this month's Great American Eclipse - they've already determined that the Russians are behind it.

    kencopd likes this.
  6. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    I believe that is the case here.
    kencopd likes this.
  7. kencopd

    kencopd Account Deleted

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