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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by annab2, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    Recycled Canines
  2. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    MorningLight, allison17 and annab2 like this.
  3. muffdiver

    muffdiver RIP (1948-2017)

  4. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

  5. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

  6. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

  7. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

  8. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

  9. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

  10. Desigal

    Desigal Trusted Member

    Puppies and dogs keep,us sane and patient. My puppy reminds there is world beyond Internet and Facebook and whatever might happen he still loves me.
    Insp Gadget, annab2 and allison17 like this.
  11. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    leon Phillips, annab2 and allison17 like this.
  12. sockpuppet

    sockpuppet Trusted.Member

    How Many Basset Hounds can you fit on a couch?

    leon Phillips and allison17 like this.
  13. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    That's all we need, a six-legged Dachshund who is also a HAM! ;):p:rolleyes:
    Insp Gadget and allison17 like this.
  14. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    How do you stop this dang thing I can see the french fries on the plate.:p
    Insp Gadget, annab2 and Desigal like this.
  15. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    So close, but so far away! ;)
  16. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    leon Phillips and Insp Gadget like this.
  17. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    annab2 and allison17 like this.
  18. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    Dear Abby,

    I am a dog in distress, who is writing you for advice about how to stop an office chair that is constantly spinning - I am on one right now as a matter of fact, and this has been going on for days !

    I've asked the two evil step-sisters 'care-givers' for help, but I might as well have barked up a tree. One of them just re-stated the situation all over again, and the other one kept announcing the play-by-play - oh great, it's the blondes brigade to the rescue ! :rolleyes: (It wouldn't surprise me if it was one of them who pulled my chair back either, and then the other one flung it round!)

    But wait, Abby - because it gets even worse. Because if that's not enough, some twit calls himself an 'inspector' posts the damn story on the eff'n internet ! Eff'n brilliant ! - just like his clueless cartoon character - that dope whose own DOG had to get him out of all his screw-ups !

    See Abby, this is the kinda thing that I have to deal with every day around here. Hey, I guess that's why they call it a dog's life.

    Please help me ...

    Signed, Dog-Gone Dizzy
    annab2 and allison17 like this.
  19. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    ROFLMAO, I loved that,so damn funny. :D:D:cool:
  20. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    Yeppers, I do like that puppy (GRIM!) ;)