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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by twblues, Mar 30, 2024.

  1. twblues

    twblues Trusted Member

    Don't really know where to put this, but...

    So I was talking to some friends the other day, and we got to talking about drug use. And all the ads talking about how drugw would destroy your mine ("this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs")

    I said that in the late 60's and early 70's I probably did some sort of mind altering drug (lsd, mda, psyilcybin, peyote. ...) about 1000 times.

    So I have Bachelors degrees in Chemistry, physics, chemistry and education, and masters degrees in physics and education. And I think "what might I have been able to do if not for all the drugs?"

    So, I'm wondering, does any one else have similar experiences?
  2. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    Nope....I avoided all of them like the plague. In my profession, it is a matter of aviation safety, and who wants a drugged up maintenance engineer looking after your aircraft...?? It might be "okay" in some civilian jobs to be as high as a kite, spending all of your savings to the drug cartels, but not in my books......I don't need that sort of a high.
  3. Athenea

    Athenea Some dream of a beautiful world, others create it. Staff Member

    I have never taken drugs and never will. Sometimes I didn't like my reality, sometimes my life has been sad and I have cried a lot, but instead of depression I have felt it as an obstacle on the road of life to be stronger. Drugs make you live an illusion that is not real and on the road of life, even if sometimes it is hard, it is preferable to move forward. Even if a situation is unbearable, it always has an end, all tunnels have an end, a point of light even if it is very far away. You just have to get up and move forward, sometimes dragging and sometimes walking, but always forward.
    Odette and borabora like this.
  4. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    And the other thing about you taking all of the drugs that you claim to have taken back in the 60's and 70's......that would have been about the time that you would have been supposedly doing all of your studies. If this was so....then at that time, with you taking mind altering drugs....how is it that you were able to study when you were as "high as a kite". To me, this radically devalues the quality of your credentials quite radically, because if you were on drugs, then I cannot believe that you would be able to retain any knowledge of what you were being taught, so what is the worth of your degrees..??

    I also have a degree in aircraft maintenance engineering, which I obtained through the university of hard knocks - by actually being in the workforce and doing the job hands on - not by being an overgrown school-boy high on drugs, that didn't know how to earn his pay-cheque (see...I even know how to spell that word correctly unlike many Americans).
    Athenea, Xav, Odette and 1 other person like this.
  5. Odette

    Odette No one can convey what they do not feel

    I have never been interested in drugs either. I have never understood what they are for. I've known people who started out on drugs for fun, to enjoy more than one night out, and ended up dead or with their lives ruined. But if you don't know how to have fun on a Saturday night without drugs, you don't know how to have fun. Drugs make people steal from their families to buy drugs. Drugs only serve to enrich the drug dealer and destroy lives. But I have to admit that there is a drug in my life, but it is a drug that I can say in front of everyone, my drug is music, especially classical music. :):):)
    tracyjane47, Athenea, Akbloke and 2 others like this.
  6. Valjevac

    Valjevac Trusted.Member

    I Never use that in my life:).now i dont drink alkohol either for almoust 20 years:).have health problems:p
    Akbloke, AjayUK and Odette like this.
  7. AjayUK

    AjayUK Trusted Member

    I’ve never taken drugs, never smoked and never drank alcohol. I’m not interested in consuming chemicals of any kind for a high or pleasure. Some things in my mind are just not worth it.
    tracyjane47, Athenea, Akbloke and 2 others like this.
  8. Edinburgh Scot

    Edinburgh Scot Trusted Member

    Exactly this for me too.
    Athenea, Odette and AjayUK like this.
  9. Xav

    Xav Moderator Staff Member

    I'm a major user of a drug:

    His name is Adam and he's my older brother.

    All the drug I need.

    And the only side effect is... umm... actually there aint any!

    And he's on tap whenever I need a top up!
  10. lucyinheat

    lucyinheat Trusted Member

    i smoke weed from time to time, i drink when i feel like it and my brain is fine, at least not less fine than before i guess xd
  11. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Trusted Member

    I'm going to choose a side and say, when I was in college every one of the drugs he mentioned were in regular use. In it's purest form, LSD (like you use to find on every college campus) had a much different affect than what most found in cities. Why? Because the chem labs on campus were busy with grad students making the product. What they called "dirty" acid was because someone mixed in a different substance so they'd have more to sell. In fact, if you ever listen to a recording of Woodstock, there is an announcement about taking the brown acid... It's use was as common as going to a bar.

    I use to have a friend who was full blooded Arapaho. I was invited to a ceremony much like a sweat lodge once and given peyote tea to drink... bitter as hell... but what I saw is almost impossible to describe. Call it hallucinations if you'd like, but I've never had a more spiritual moment in my life.

    And pot... the devil's weed... Up until Bayer convinced the medical board that opium based drugs were more affective than pot, and non-addictive, it was used in almost all medications. And for me, it is the only option I have left to control inflammation from psoriatic arthritis after the two latest and greatest drugs on the market had me undergoing surgery for one and a swollen liver with the other...

    So don't believe all the hype you hear about the evils of drugs. More people die from prescription drugs than any other. Even Fentanyl is a medication used in anesthesia... and look what that drug is doing to our streets.
  12. twblues

    twblues Trusted Member

    abloke Actually I was working full time during this phase of my life. Mostly construction, some big building maintenance. I held what was known as a stationary engineers permit, which allowed me do do any construction, electrical, plumbing, and other work in the building I was in charge. Otherwise it would have meant calling in a licensed (union) contractor.

    I never let drug use interfere with work, or anything else. And, while I did drugs, I drank very little.
  13. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    If you had been working for the outfit that I was working for, you would have been taken off to the State Police by our Military Police. No second chance. Aviation Safety is far more important.
  14. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Trusted Member

    How many pilots do you know of flew a plane after a night out drinking or had a drink with their meal. Are you going to say that those people didn't put Aviation at risk? Alcohol clouds the judgement and slows reaction much worse and longer than someone who smoked a little pot. And most of those laws written during the Regan years were designed to target minorities more than anyone else. But when LEA was given a freehand by those laws, they confiscated homes, businesses, cars and put people in jail for life for nothing more than a joint or a few seeds.

    I wouldn't be proud of that, as you sit in a bar getting smashed then climb in a car and drive away. You've just put something in your system that will affect everything you do for days. But it's legal so it's okay... right? What excuses will be used once the law changes on the federal level like it did when a bunch of alcohol users forced prohibition to end? What reason will there be to hate it then?
    Polarbears likes this.
  15. D.C. Barnet

    D.C. Barnet Trusted.Member

    You are 100% correct about perscription drugs. Appllies to drugs legally obtained, w/valid M.D. perscriptions filled by pharmacists.
  16. D.C. Barnet

    D.C. Barnet Trusted.Member

    The "war on drugs" was started long before Regan.
    FAA regs have been in effect even longer.
  17. Polarbears

    Polarbears Trusted.Member

    Smoking a joint is no different than having a few drinks. You will be impaired. So don't do something stupid until it wears off. Like drive a car or fly a plane or be with the wrong people in the wrong place. It also happens to be a perfectly legal activity, subject to the "something stupid" mentioned above.

    Sticking a needle in your arm is just plain stupid. You have no idea what's in the needle, and why fuck up your life anyway? We are in the middle of a Fentanyl epidemic up here, and it's killing a lot of people. Why? Because it's easier to give up than grow up.

    My 2 cents.
  18. Xav

    Xav Moderator Staff Member

    Just FYI: smoking joints in Australia and most other countries is illegal. You're just lucky you live where you do. :)
    Always-Learning likes this.
  19. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Trusted Member

    Until Bayer chemical/pharmaceutical convinced the U.S. medical board that Opium based drugs were more effective than marijuana (and non-addictive) marijuana was the main ingredient in most medications. And marijuana was legal to grow and use until prohibition. It even grew wild and fields of hemp (closely related) were everywhere for use in making rope and other products...

    You probably didn't know that after prohibition a doctor could prescribe marijuana to terminal patients and the University of Louisiana would fill that prescription in pre-filled joints. They stopped that program when the numbers increased during the Aids epidemic. The reason they gave was if they continued, with the number of people applying, they would have to make it legal or end the program all together. Regan not only killed that program he increased the laws to the point someone could be imprisoned for life just for one joint... So you'll understand if I say I will never agree. There were laws that regulated its use like they did with alcohol but it was Regan that made it completely illegal.
  20. Always-Learning

    Always-Learning Trusted Member

    I will agree, sticking a needle in your arm for a high is not an intelligent thing to do. But I don't recall one drug he mentioned you could even use a needle with. It is dangerous to lump things together without understanding what they are or do... or the cause of why it is happening.

    I know the hype of why we are having this fentanyl problem and to me it brings to mind when our government was buying cocaine from Panama's ruler to sell in drug houses to created money for black ops during the Regan years... Yes, that Regan. It came out after the guy who recorded Noriega helping to load coke on a plane (bound for CIA drug houses) was killed and Col. Oliver North came out publicly in an effort to save his own life. He knew the only way to live was to surround himself with media and it worked for him... But isn't it strange that during the middle of a cocaine epidemic, with our government declaring a war on drugs, they are using the very drug to make money for the things you don't talk about... Strangely coincidental to me.